An Overview of The Top 10 Richest Religions in the World

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, July 8, 2021 Religions

It’s Not A Coincidence That “The Creator Of World” and Everything In It, Chose To Live A Life Of Simplicity and Poverty. He Owned Everything and Yet He Owned Not One Thing That Was Considered By The World System As Valuable. The Roman Catholic Church is almost certainly the wealthiest organization in the world. In the United States alone, it is estimated that the Catholic Church has an operating budget of $170 billion. By comparison, in fiscal year 2020, Apple and General Motors each had about $150 billion in revenue worldwide. A lot of people believe in the existence of a God that will help save a person’s soul. Preserving the institution that can help you believe in God requires a lot of money nowadays. However, we are going to explore the top 10 richest religions in the world in 2021, wealthiest organizations in the world, richest church in the world and richest church in America.

1. The Church of Scientology

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
The Church of Scientology is devoted to the promotion of the belief system of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard established the religion in 1952, succeeding an earlier self-help system that he had set up called Dianetics. The church was incorporated the following year in New Jersey. It has gained celebrity adherents along the way, the most famous of which is Tom Cruise. The religion is based on subscription, with members going up in rank as one pays a required fee. The highest rank is Operating Thetan VIII that costs around $256,000. The church once spent more than $3 million to purchase some gold bullion and more than $14.1 million for a cruise ship.

2. Freemasonry

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
While Freemasonry is not really a religion in the real sense of the word, its members are required to believe in a supreme being. A vast majority of its members are rich and high net worth individuals. Some people believe that Freemasonry is actually the richest organization in the world. Its members are said to be powerful and their symbol even appears on the dollar bill and the seal of the United States. Masonic lodges can be found all over the world.

3. Protestantism

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
Protestantism is a division of Christianity. It actually involves any denomination in the Christian world that deny the authority of the pope in Rome. It affirms the principles of the Reformation and believes in the primacy of the Bible as the only source of truth. There are probably over 33,000 Protestant denominations, but it all started in 1517 when Martin Luther reacted against the medieval doctrines and practices being followed by the Catholic Church at the time. Research in the United States shows that Protestants are in the middle in terms of wealth accumulated by its believers.

4. Televangelism

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
Televangelism is not exactly a religion but rather, it is an element of Christianity where believers are addressed by a minister through television broadcasts. It also adheres to Christian principles, but it focuses on personal morality as viewed by preachers. Televangelism relies mainly on advertisements, donations and merchandise; all these are done free of tax. Television evangelists are known to live a luxurious life, building expensive homes and traveling by private jets. Put together, it is estimated to be a $2.3 billion business.

5. Episcopalian

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
The Episcopal Church traces its origins to the Church of England in the American colonies. It is the 14th largest denomination in the United States with almost two million members. The church split from Anglicanism as clergy of the Church of England are made to swear allegiance to the British monarch. Aside from the United States, it has dioceses in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Taiwan. Its members are considered to have attained the most wealth among all religious believers in the United States.

6. The Church of England

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
In a way, the Church of England is also a form of Protestantism. It was only formed because of the desire of the King of England, Henry VIII, to get a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. It was something that the Catholic Church would not give him. Also known as Anglicanism, it used to be the biggest landowner in Great Britain. It sold off most of the land to build up an investment portfolio of $6.7 billion that earns more than $255 million each year. It also gets more than $320 million in donations and $400 million through its events and services.

7. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is considered to be one of the fastest-growing and richest religions in the world. Its members are called Mormons and can be found everywhere, from Scandinavia to Japan. At the turn of the 21st century, Mormon assets were already being estimated to be at over $30 billion. It also has an annual revenue of $6 billion, with nearly 90 percent of the amount coming from member contributions called tithing, in which members are required to give 10 percent of their entire income.

8. Judaism

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
Those practicing Judaism are said to have accumulated the most wealth among all believers in religions in the United States. This is not stereotype profiling, as Jews are known to be adept in the world of business. It actually came from a sociological research done in the country. Though Judaism is monotheist, it is not homogenous as it does have a lot of different views. The largest streams and movements are Rabbinic Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism. Aside from its homeland in Israel, its members also have enough economic clout in the United States to form a powerful lobby that can influence and sway the decisions of political leaders.

9. Islam

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
Islam is a monotheistic religion that is the second largest and one of the fastest growing in the world. While Muslims are found all over the world, most of them live in sub-Saharan Africa, Indonesia, South Asia and the Middle East. As a result, Muslims actually have control of the abundant oil found in the Middle East. Some of the richest countries in the world follow strict Islamic laws. Estimates in 2012 put the assets of the Islamic financial industry alone to be at nearly $1.6 trillion.

10. Roman Catholic Church

Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
Catholic priests are expected to make a vow of poverty, so it is ironic that the church is actually the richest religion in the world. The Catholic Church owns some of the greatest art works ever made. It also has vast gold deposits and billions of dollars in assets. It also earns a significant amount of income from the tourism sector as the Vatican is considered an independent city-state. It also has more than a billion members around the world. Only Catholic , LDS and Scientology have a unified financial structure. Other Religions may have a lot of money in total but it is dispersed among many subgroups. There are also several Cults that have no claim of being religious even though they act in that manner The Kochtopus being a prime example where money is centralized, but expressed through a hundred kinds of front groups all with a fantasy of factoids as bizarre as any that claim to be religions. #Padmanabhaswamy Temple, India - $19 billion in gold and gems counted in 2011.
Top 10 Richest Religions in the World
There is reputed to be another $1 trillion in a vault which the priests will not open. A universal tax on all religious organization's that currently have a 'tax free' status, would effectively wipe out all of those organization's. Their 'flocks' would abandon them and scatter, never to be heard from again. RC accumulated wealth through centuries, and the bulk of it is real estate asset. It may be the richest but if you factor in the time element. Surprisingly it will not be the richest..... look at other religions established less than 100 years and the asset rose dramatically. Actually The Iglesia Ni Cristo is arguably the wealthiest Religion in the world, Iglesia Ni Cristo is more than two times wealthier that the Roman Catholic Church because the former is centralized and the latter is not. Iglesia Ni Cristo is estimated to be worth nearly a trillion pesos including all of its properties, and Manalo as the CEO is surely worth billions of pesos.


Which church would God say is the richest? Not the one with the most money. I think it would be the one that had the most peaceful and joyful members. The one whose members were most kind and served others.The church stands with with the wealth and these numbers and position shown here that the Christian world holds billions. Based on this, let us know the richest church you have in mind.

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