Comprehensive List of Male and Female Efik Names and Meaning

Nuelson Penuel Sunday, December 31, 2023 Basis

In this blog post, I will provide 142 Efik names and their meaning. It consists of classic Efik female and male names and their meaning.

1. What does Abasiakamauwemowo mean?

It means My Life Is In God’s Guard

2. What does Abasiama mean?

It means God Love

3. What does Abasi mean?

It means Ifreke mean? It means God Never Forget

4. What does Abasiodiong mean?

It means Godbless

5. What does Adiaba mean?

It means First Female Child

6. What does Adiaha mean?

It means First Daughter

7. What does Affiong mean?

It means Moon

8. What does Afiah mean?

It means Fourth Born Son

9. What does Akakaneno mean?

It means The Ultimate Gift

10. What does Akpan mean?

It means First Male Son

11. What does Amaeka mean?

It means The Love Of A Mother

12. What does Andino mean?

It means God The Giver.

13. What does Aniamaowo mean?

It means Who Likes You

14. What does Aniebietabasi mean?

It means Who Resemble God?

15. What does Aniekanabasi mean?

It means Who Is Greater Than God

16. What does Anietie mean?

It means Who Could You Compare (To God)?

17. What does Anwangabasi mean?

It means God Understand Best

18. What does Anwa-nwa mean?

It means Third Daughter

19. What does Aquabasi mean?

It means Great God

20. What does Asian-abasi

21. What does Asun mean?

It means Fourth Daughter

22. What does Asuquo

23. What does Ayamma mean?

It means Will You Love Me?

24. What does Ayanti mean?

It means Will You Remember Me?

25. What does Barasuene mean?

It means Abundance

26. What does Daraima mean?

It means Celebrate Love

27. What does Dattoyobong mean?

It means Use It To Remember God

28. What does Edem mean?

It means Back

29. What does Edemanwan mean?

It means A Family Daughter

30. What does Edetobo mean?

It means Market Day

31. What does Edidem mean?

It means Chief

32. What does Edidiong mean?

It means Blessing

33. What does Edikan mean?

It means Victory

34. What does Edimek mean?

It means Chosen

35. What does Edinen mean?

It means Upright

36. What does Efem mean? |

It means Troubled

37. What does Ekaete mean?

|It means Father’s Mom

38. What does Ekemini mean?

| It means The Appointed Time

39. What does Ekong mean?

It means War

40. What does What does Emaedo mean?

It means A Female Child Who Has A Good Character(Loving Character)

41. What does Emaobong mean?

It means Love Of God

42. What does Emekan mean?

It means Endurance Supercedes Everything

43. What does Emekemeabasi mean?

It means The Lord Is Able

44. What does Emem mean?

It means Peace

45. What does Ememabasi mean?

It means Peace Of The Lord

46. What does Ememobong mean?

It means Peace Of The Lord

47. What does Eme-obong mean?

It means Precious One Of God

48. What does Emeti mean?

It means This Name Actually A Question. What does Do You Remember What God Has Done For You?

49. What does Emeti-abasi mean?

It means Do You Remember What God Has Done For You

50. What does Emineimo mean?

It means The Beginning Of Greatness/wealth

51. What does Eno mean?

It means Gift

52. What does Eno-obong mean?

It means Gift From God

53. What does Esse-abasi mean?

It means Gospel, Goodnews

54. What does Essien mean?

It means Outside

55. What does Etido mean?

It means Good Character

56. What does Etiesse mean?

It means Goodnews

57. What does Etim mean?

It means Market Day

58. What does Etima mean?

It means Goodlove

59. What does Etinamabasiyakka mean?

It means When My Enemies Plans Against Me, God Never Allow

60. What does Etok mean?

It means Small

61. What does Etoro mean?

It means Praise

62. What does Iberedemobong mean?

It means God’s Support Or Strenght.

63. What does Idara mean?

It means Joy

64. What does Idaramfon mean?

It means Happiness Is Free

65. What does Idongesit mean?

It means Comfort

66. What does Idorenyin mean?

It means Hope

67. What does Ifiok mean?

It means Wisdom

68. What does Ifiokobong mean?

It means Wisdom Of God

69. What does Ikemesit mean?

It means Singleness Of The Heart, Harmony

70. What does Imaabasi mean?

It means God’s Love

71. What does Imauwemi mean?

It means Love Of My Life

72. What does Imeh/idobe mean?

It means Endurance

73. What does Imoh mean?

It means Meaning Wealth

74. What does Inemesit mean?

It means Joy From The Heart

75. What does Inemesit mean?

It means Happiness

76. What does Iniabasi mean?

It means God’s Time

77. What does Inyene mean?

It means Riches

78. What does Itoro mean?

It means Glory

79. What does Kentoroabasi mean?

It means I Am Glorifying God Or I Am Praising God

80. What does Kufre mean?

It means Don’t Forget

81. What does Kufreabasi mean?

It means Do Not Forget God

82. What does Kukere mean?

It means Don’t Think Or Don’t Worry Yourself

83. What does Kuma mean?

It means Am Still In Love With You

84. What does Kunsua mean?

It means Don’t Hate Me

85. What does Kuyik-abasi mean?

It means Faith In God

86. What does Mbotidem

87. What does Mfonabasi mean?

It means God’s Favor

88. What does Mfoniso mean?

It means Goodluck

89. What does Mfoniso mean?

It means Goodluck Or Lucky

90. What does Mmekomabasi mean?

It means I Thank God

91. What does Ndifreke mean?

It means I Would Never Forget

92. What does Ndifreke mean?

It means It mean? It means I Would Not Forget My God

93. What does Ndinamsomfon mean?

It means What Shall I Do To Be Good

94. What does Nduesoh mean?

It means What Have I Done Wrong

95. What does Nkanta mean?

It means You Conquer And Eat

96. What does Nkenimabasi mean?

It means I Trusted In God.

97. What does Nmosohwo mean?

It means What Have I Done To You People

98. What does Nne-ekami mean?

It means My Old Grandmother’s Grandmother

99. What does Nnwa mean?

It means Second Daughter

100. What does Nse mean?

It means I Am Looking

101. What does Nsedu mean?

It means I Am Looking At You Character

102. What does Nsemo mean?

It means Looking At Them

103. What does Nsikak mean?

It means Ask A Efik/ibibio Man There For The Meaning

104. What does Nsikak-abasi mean?

It means Nothing Is Too Heavy For God

105. What does Nsikan mean?

It means Ask That Efik/ibibio Man There For The Meaning

106. What does Nsikan-obong mean?

It means Nothing Is More Than God

107. What does Nwaha mean?

It means Second Female Child

108. What does Nwah-nwah mean?

It means Third Female Child

109. What does Obongama mean?

It means God’s Love

110. What does Obongama mean?

It means God’s Love

111. What does Ofonime mean?

It means It Is Good To Be Patience

112. What does Okon mean?

It means Night

113. What does Oto-obong mean?

It means From God

114. What does Otu mean?

It means Chief/king

115. What does Otuekongabasi mean?

It means Warrior Or War Bearer

116. What does Owoidohoukem mean?

It means Everybody Are Not Equal

117. What does Andiyene Ama mean?

It means The Owners Love

118. What does Uduak Abasi mean?

It means Gods Will

119. What does Ete Obong mean?

It means The Kings Father

120. What does Tima mean?

It means Remember Love

121. What does Udemeobong mean?

It means My Share From God

122. What does Udo mean?

It means Second Son Of The Family

123. What does Udofia mean?

It means Fourth Born Son

124. What does Udofot mean?

It means Fourth Born Son

125. What does Udoh mean?

It means Second Male Son

126. What does Udoh-udoh mean?

It means Third Born Son

127. What does Udom mean?

It means Right

128. What does Udo-udo mean?

It means Third Son

129. What does Uduakabasi mean?

It means Will Of God

130. What does Ufia mean?

It means Fourth Son

131. What does Ufia-ufia mean?

It means Fifth Son

132. What does Ufot mean?

It means Third Born Son

133. What does Ukeme mean?

It means Ability

134. What does Uko mean?

It means Courage; Bravery

135. What does Unwanaabasi mean?

It means God’s Light

136. What does Usen mean?

It means The Day

137. What does Usoro mean?

It means Festial Period

138. What does Utibe mean?

It means Marvelous/ Wonderful

139. What does Uwakmfon mean?

It means Abundant Blessing

140. What does Uwem mean?

It means Life Is Enjoyment

141. What does Uwemediemoh mean?

It means Health Is Wealth

142. What does Uyai mean?

It means Beauty

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