This is a very important and crucial information as it concerns your monthly allowance being paid by the federal government. NYSC monthly clearance with your PPA (Primary Place of Assignment) clearance letter usually begins from the 1st to 10th day of the said month excluding weekends and public holidays and this exercise is usually carry out at the LGA secretariat. The schedule date is usually uploaded on your dashboard so make sure you check your dashboard as often as possible. This article will provide the information on how to carryout NYSC monthly clearance with your PPA clearance letter and also provide answers to questions like where is NYSC monthly clearance done? How can I check my clearance status on my dashboard? and lots more
The clearance is done at the local government Secretariat where the local inspector (LI) has an office. The purpose of the monthly clearance is to mark a register you are still serving and have not astounded. You are to go along to the local government Secretariat with a clearance letter from your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) showing that you are actually serving in that place and that the management of your PPA is certified with your service.
- Go to the NYSC portal at portal.nysc.org
- Login to your dashboard using your password and e-mail
- Click on “LGA Clearance”
- It would show you the list of months you take part in NYSC monthly clearance and your status, which can either be ‘Present’ or ‘Absent’
Note that if you have cleared for a month and find out that your status is showing as “absent”, it is advised to see your Local Government Inspector (LGI) as soon as possible.
Once you have tendered your letter, a biometric capture/ thumb printing will be carried out. your LGA monthly clearance status should reflect on your dashboard as soon as you have done your NYSC biometric clearance depending on the network in the area.