List of Relevant and Important ICT Interview Questions and Answers.

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, July 22, 2021 Job Vacancies

Hello viewers! Today we shall be discussing on how to prepare and perform well in a job interview. This article will provide the list of relevant and important ICT interview questions and answers as well as frequently asked interview questions and also some secret steps to follow in other to do well in an interview programm.

1. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure?

Pressure is actually a catalyst to my work. When there is an imperative deadline, I refocus my energy into my work which in fact, has helped me to produce some of my best works. I guess you can say I thrive under pressure.

2. What field experience do you have for ICT Position?

I have been working with computers since 2001. I also have a degree in network support/computer repair. I have work with Dell as an employee. So I have around 15 years experience working with computers.

3. What have you done to improve your knowledge for a ICT Position In The Last Year?

Everyone should learn from his or her mistakes. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kin especially with those superior to me. I enrolled myself into a course useful for the next version of our current project. I attended seminars on personal development and managerial skills improvement.

4. Tell me about yourself

The interviewer is not interested in your life story. Unless asked otherwise, focus on education, your career and present situations. You should work chronologically, starting as far back as possible and working until present.

5. Why do you believe we should hire you?

This is because I’m really good or you can say I really need a job. You shouldn’t assume the skills of other applicants or their strengths, focus on yourself. Tell the interviewer why you are a good fit for the position, what makes you a good employee, and what you can provide the company. Keep it brief while highlighting achievements.

6. What knowledge do you have about the company?

You should do your research prior to the interview. Look into background history of the company, this will help you stick out. Learn about main people, have they been in the news lately? The interviewer doesn’t expect you to know dates and certain people, but showing that you have enough interest to research the company is a positive impression.

7. Why are you leaving last job?

You shouldn’t mention salary being a factor at this point. If you’re currently employed, your response can focus on developing and expanding your career and even yourself. If you’re current employer is downsizing, remain positive and brief. If your employer fired you, prepare a solid reason. Under no circumstance should you discuss any drama or negativity, always remain positive.

8. What do you consider to be your best strength?

Being a problem solver, a motivator, and being able to perform under pressure, positive attitude and loyal.

9. What do you consider to be your biggest weakness?

Although many try to answer using a positive skill in disguise as a weakness, like “I expect co-workers to have the same commitment” or “I am a perfectionist”. However, it is recommended that there is some honesty and the weaknesses are true, and then emphasize on how you have overcome it or working to improve it.

10. What do you see yourself doing in five years?

This is another question looking towards job commitment. Some people go through jobs like socks because they don’t have a life plan, and your answer can show insight into this. It can also be used for finding out if you are the type that sets goals at all in life, because those that make long-term goals are usually more reliable. Also, your goals can provide insight on your personality too. You should respond with an answer that shows progression in your career is on track with your route in the company. It’s important to do your research on company prospects, this way you understand what to expect and if it’s in your long-term goal. Interviewers don’t want to set you on a path that won’t provide the results you want, resulting in you resigning.

11. What are your salary expectations?

This is an area where doing your research will be helpful as you will have an understanding of average salary. One approach is asking the interviewer about the salary range, but to avoid the question entirely, you can respond that money isn’t a key factor and you’re goal is to advance in your career.

12. Do you have any questions?

You can try asking questions that focus on areas where you can be an asset. Other options include asking about what your position would be, and how fast they expect you to become productive. Also, asking about the next step in the process and when to expect to hear about the position. Having discussed about the questions and answers for Ict job interview, let us now reveal some hidden secrets on how to do well in an interview.
  • Research: Prior to the interview, doing your research is important. You need to know as much as you can regarding products, services, customers, even who the competition is, as this will provide an edge in knowledge and being able to address the company requirements. The more knowledge you have about the company, the higher your chances for selling yourself for the position during the interview. Also, knowing the culture of the company will provide great insight into how satisfied you will be with the job
  • Practice: Interviews are not always the same format, and they do not have to follow a certain style, but there are certain questions that can be expected. It will help if you practice giving your answer to the more common questions asked in interviews, these regard personal strengths and weaknesses, and why you are the best for the position
  • Examples: You can say you can do something, but being able to provide examples of you doing these things is entirely different. Fogarty advises that you “come with your toolbox filled with examples of prior work achievements. You need to be prepared for the recruiter’s questions and to anticipate them based on job position requirements. Consider examples with strong strategies used, and answer with details rather than generalities. For instance, say “Yes, that is something I have done previously. Here is an example.” He added that you should ask the interviewer “Did that help answer your question?
  • Dressing for Success: First impressions can break or make any relation, including with the interviewer. You will be judged from the moment you arrive at the door. If you reached this point, you have hopefully done company research already and have an understanding of their culture, what they expect, and if they have a dress code. If you under-dress, you can appear to be too relaxed and doesn’t take things seriously. However, overdressing can be perceived s over compensation. If you were not able to find dress code information, it’s best to dress sharply, but not over dressed
  • Remain calm: You should have your route planned out, provide additional time for unexpected delays such s traffic, and prepare what you need the day before the interview. You need to speak clearly, and body language is important. You should smile when greeted, and keep in mind that the interviewer is a regular person like you, and they could be nervous as well
  • Honesty: Just let the interviewer know rather than answering with examples that do not relate to the position. It appears better to be honest that you may not have that certain skill, but have skills related, and that you would be glad to list them
  • Closing the deal: This is one of the biggest on more common mistakes. Once the interview is over, both you and the interviewer should have a good idea on where you stand. Interviewers likely already has a good idea by the last handshake if you will move to the next step or not. During the last handshake, be upfront. Being confident can go a long way. If you believe the interview went well, be bold and ask the interviewer where you stand. If you don’t think it went well, you probably have your answer already
  • Ask questions: Fogarty also suggests that you prepare great questions for the interview. He stated that nothing impresses more than a great question that indicates company research was conducted, but research on the position too. “These questions make me think, ‘Wow, they really did their homework. Not only do they have knowledge of the company, but the role too

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