List Of The 58 Province In Algeria

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, November 18, 2021 Basis



This article will provide information on the list of the 58 province in Algeria, a brief history about Algeria and also provide answers to questions as regards to Algeria Republic.

Brief History of Algeria

North Africa served as a transit region for people moving towards Europe or the Middle East, thus, the region's inhabitants have been influenced by populations from other areas, including the Carthaginians, Romans, and Vandals. The region was conquered by the Muslims in the early 8th century AD, but broke off from the Umayyad Caliphate after the Berber Revolt of 740. During the Ottoman period, Algeria became an important state in the Mediterranean sea which led to many naval conflicts. The last significant events in the country's recent history have been the Algerian War and Algerian Civil War. The second Arab military expeditions into the Maghreb, between 642 and 669, resulted in the spread of Islam. The Umayyads (a Muslim dynasty based in Damascus from 661 to 750) recognised that the strategic necessity of dominating the Mediterranean dictated a concerted military effort on the North African front. By 711 Umayyad forces helped by Berber converts to Islam had conquered all of North Africa. In 750 the Abbasids succeeded the Umayyads as Muslim rulers and moved the caliphate to Baghdad. Under the Abbasids, Berber Kharijites Sufri Banu Ifran were opposed to Umayyad and Abbasids. After, the Rustumids (761–909) actually ruled most of the central Maghrib from Tahirt, southwest of Algiers. The imams gained a reputation for honesty, piety, and justice, and the court of Tahirt was noted for its support of scholarship. The Rustumid imams failed, however, to organise a reliable standing army, which opened the way for Tahirt's demise under the assault of the Fatimid dynasty. The Fatimids left the rule of most of Algeria to the Zirids and Hammadid (972–1148), a Berber dynasty that centered significant local power in Algeria for the first time, but who were still at war with Banu Ifran (kingdom of Tlemcen) and Maghraoua (942-1068). This period was marked by constant conflict, political instability, and economic decline. Following a large incursion of Arab Bedouin from Egypt beginning in the first half of the 11th century, the use of Arabic spread to the countryside, and sedentary Berbers were gradually Arabised. The Almoravid ("those who have made a religious retreat") movement developed early in the 11th century among the Sanhaja Berbers of southern Morocco. The movement's initial impetus was religious, an attempt by a tribal leader to impose moral discipline and strict adherence to Islamic principles on followers. But the Almoravid movement shifted to engaging in military conquest after 1054. By 1106, the Almoravids had conquered the Maghreb as far east as Algiers and Morocco, and Spain up to the Ebro River. Like the Almoravids, the Almohads ("unitarians") found their inspiration in Islamic reform. The Almohads took control of Morocco by 1146, captured Algiers around 1151, and by 1160 had completed the conquest of the central Maghrib. The zenith of Almohad power occurred between 1163 and 1199. For the first time, the Maghrib was united under a local regime, but the continuing wars in Spain overtaxed the resources of the Almohads, and in the Maghrib their position was compromised by factional strife and a renewal of tribal warfare. In the central Maghrib, the Abdalwadid founded a dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Tlemcen in Algeria. For more than 300 years, until the region came under Ottoman suzerainty in the 16th century, the Zayanids kept a tenuous hold in the central Maghrib. Many coastal cities asserted their autonomy as municipal republics governed by merchant oligarchies, tribal chieftains from the surrounding countryside, or the privateers who operated out of their ports. Nonetheless, Tlemcen, the "pearl of the Maghrib," prospered as a commercial center.

List of the 58 Provinces in Algeria

1. Adrar

Adrar is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 16 municipalities. It covers about 254,471 kilometer square and 98,252 square mile of the country.

2. Chlef

Chlef is a province in Algeria with about 13 districts and 35 municipalities. It covers about 4,795 kilometer square and 1,851 square mile of the country.

3. Laghouat

Laghouat is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 24 municipalities. It covers about 25,057 kilometer square and 9,675 square mile of the country.

4. Oum El Bouaghi

Oum El Bouaghi is a province in Algeria with about 12 districts and 29 municipalities. It covers about 6,783 kilometer square and 2,619 square mile of the country.

5. Batna

Batna is a province in Algeria with about 21 districts and 61 municipalities. It covers about 12,192 kilometer square and 4,707 square mile of the country.

6. Béjaïa

Béjaïa is a province in Algeria with about 19 districts and 52 municipalities. It covers about 3,268 kilometer square and 1,262 square mile of the country.

7. Biskra

Biskra is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 27 municipalities. It covers about 9,576 kilometer square and 3,697 square mile of the country.

8. Béchar

Béchar is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 11 municipalities. It covers about 60,850 kilometer square and 23,490 square mile of the country.

9. Blida

Blida is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 25 municipalities. It covers about 1,575 kilometer square and 608 square mile of the country.

10. Bouïra

Bouïra is a province in Algeria with about 12 districts and 45 municipalities. It covers about 4,439 kilometer square and 1,714 square mile of the country.

11. Tamanrasset

Tamanrasset is a province in Algeria with about 3 districts and 5 municipalities. It covers about 336,839 kilometer square and 130,054 square mile of the country.

12. Tébessa

Tébessa is a province in Algeria with about 12 districts and 28 municipalities. It covers about 14,227 kilometer square and 5,493 square mile of the country.

13. Tlemcen

Tlemcen is a province in Algeria with about 20 districts and 53 municipalities. It covers about 9,061 kilometer square and 3,498 square mile of the country.

14. Tiaret

Tiaret is a province in Algeria with about 14 districts and 42 municipalities. It covers about 20,673 kilometer square and 7,982 square mile of the country.

15. Tizi Ouzou

Tizi Ouzou is a province in Algeria with about 21 districts and 67 municipalities. It covers about 2,956 kilometer square and 1,141 square mile of the country.

16. Algiers

Algiers is a province in Algeria with about 13 districts and 57 municipalities. It covers about 1,190 kilometer square and 460 square mile of the country.

17. Djelfa

Djelfa is a province in Algeria with about 12 districts and 36 municipalities. It covers about 66,415 kilometer square and 25,643 square mile of the country.

18. Jijel

Jijel is a province in Algeria with about 11 districts and 28 municipalities. It covers about 2,577 kilometer square and 995 square mile of the country.

19. Sétif

Sétif is a province in Algeria with about 20 districts and 60 municipalities. It covers about 6,504 kilometer square and 2,511 square mile of the country.

20. Saïda

Saïda is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 16 municipalities. It covers about 6,764 kilometer square and 2,612 square mile of the country.

21. Skikda

Skikda is a province in Algeria with about 13 districts and 38 municipalities. It covers about 4,026 kilometer square and 1,554 square mile of the country.

22. Sidi Bel Abbès

Sidi Bel Abbès is a province in Algeria with about 15 districts and 52 municipalities. It covers about 9,096 kilometer square and 3,512 square mile of the country.

23. Annaba

Annaba is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 12 municipalities. It covers about 1,439 kilometer square and 556 square mile of the country.

24. Guelma

Guelma is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 34 municipalities. It covers about 4,101 kilometer square and 1,583 square mile of the country.

25. Constantine

Constantine is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 12 municipalities. It covers about 2,187 kilometer square and 844 square mile of the country.

26. Médéa

Médéa is a province in Algeria with about 19 districts and 64 municipalities. It covers about 8,866 kilometer square and 3,423 square mile of the country.

27. Mostaganem

Mostaganem is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 32 municipalities. It covers about 2,175 kilometer square and 840 square mile of the country.

28. M'Sila

M'Sila is a province in Algeria with about 15 districts and 47 municipalities. It covers about 18,718 kilometer square and 7,227 square mile of the country.

29. Mascara

Mascara is a province in Algeria with about 16 districts and 47 municipalities. It covers about 5,941 kilometer square and 2,294 square mile of the country.

30. Ouargla

Ouargla is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 10 municipalities. It covers about 194,552 kilometer square and 75,117 square mile of the country.

31. Oran

Oran is a province in Algeria with about 9 districts and 26 municipalities. It covers about 2,121 kilometer square and 819 square mile of the country.

32. El Bayadh

El Bayadh is a province in Algeria with about 8 districts and 22 municipalities. It covers about 78,870 kilometer square and 30,450 square mile of the country.

33. Illizi

Illizi is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 4 municipalities. It covers about 198,815 kilometer square and 76,763 square mile of the country.

34. Bordj Bou Arréridj

Bordj Bou Arréridj is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 34 municipalities. It covers about 4,115 kilometer square and 1,589 square mile of the country.

35. Boumerdès

Boumerdés is a province in Algeria with about 9 districts and 32 municipalities. It covers about 1,356 kilometer square and 524 square mile of the country.

36. El Tarf

El Tarf is a province in Algeria with about 7 districts and 24 municipalities. It covers about 3,339 kilometer square and 1,289 square mile of the country.

37. Tindouf

Tindouf is a province in Algeria with about 1 districts and 2 municipalities. It covers about 159,000 kilometer square and 61,000 square mile of the country.

38. Tissemsilt

Tissemsilt is a province in Algeria with about 8 districts and 22 municipalities. It covers about 3,152 kilometer square and 1,217 square mile of the country.

39. El Oued

El Oued is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 22 municipalities. It covers about 45,738 kilometer square and 17,660 square mile of the country.

40. Khenchela

Khenchela is a province in Algeria with about 8 districts and 21 municipalities. It covers about 9,811 kilometer square and 3,788 square mile of the country.

41. Souk Ahras

Souk Ahras is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 26 municipalities. It covers about 4,541 kilometer square and 1,753 square mile of the country.

42. Tipaza

Tipaza is a province in Algeria with about 10 districts and 28 municipalities. It covers about 1,605 kilometer square and 620 square mile of the country.

43. Mila

Mila is a province in Algeria with about 13 districts and 32 municipalities. It covers about 3,407 kilometer square and 1,315 square mile of the country.

44. Aïn Defla

Aïn Defla is a province in Algeria with about 14 districts and 36 municipalities. It covers about 4,891 kilometer square and 1,888 square mile of the country.

45. Naâma

Naâma is a province in Algeria with about 7 districts and 12 municipalities. It covers about 29,950 kilometer square and 11,560 square mile of the country.

46. Aïn Témouchent

Aïn Témouchent is a province in Algeria with about 8 districts and 28 municipalities. It covers about 2,379 kilometer square and 919 square mile of the country.

47. Ghardaïa

Ghardaïa is a province in Algeria with about 7 districts and 9 municipalities. It covers about 23,890 kilometer square and 9,220 square mile of the country.

48. Relizane

Relizane is a province in Algeria with about 13 districts and 38 municipalities. It covers about 4,870 kilometer square and 1,880 square mile of the country.

49. El M'Ghair

El M'Ghair is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 8 municipalities. It covers about 8,835 kilometer square and 3,411 square mile of the country.

50. El Menia

El Menia is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 4 municipalities. It covers about 62,215 kilometer square and 24,021 square mile of the country.

51. Ouled Djellal

Ouled Djellal is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 6 municipalities. It covers about 11,410 kilometer square and 4,410 square mile of the country.

52. Bordj Baji Mokhtar

Bordj Baji Mokhtar is a province in Algeria with about 1 districts and 2 municipalities. It covers about 120,026 kilometer square and 46,342 square mile of the country.

53. Béni Abbès

Béni Abbès is a province in Algeria with about 6 districts and 10 municipalities. It covers about 101,350 kilometer square and 39,130 square mile of the country.

54. Timimoun

Timimoun is a province in Algeria with about 4 districts and 10 municipalities. It covers about 65,203 kilometer square and 25,175 square mile of the country.

55. Touggourt

Touggourt is a province in Algeria with about 4 districts and 11 municipalities. It covers about 17,428 kilometer square and 6,729 square mile of the country.

56. Djanet

Djanet is a province in Algeria with about 1 districts and 2 municipalities. It covers about 86,185 kilometer square and 33,276 square mile of the country.

57. In Salah

In Salah is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 3 municipalities. It covers about 131,220 kilometer square and 50,660 square mile of the country.

58. In Guezzam

In Guezzam is a province in Algeria with about 2 districts and 2 municipalities. It covers about 88,126 kilometer square and 34,026 square mile of the country.

How Many States are there in Algeria?

Algeria since December 18, 2019, is divided into 58 wilayas (provinces).

How many Cities are there in Algeria?

The cities of Boumerdès and Oran followed with around 786 thousand and 646 thousand people, respectively.

What is the Capital City of Algeria?

The capital city of Algeria is Algiers [El Djazaïr]

What is the Old Name of Algeria?

The name Algeria is derived from the name of the city of Algiers (French Alger), from the Arabic word al-jaza'ir, which translates as the islands, referring to the four islands which lay off that city's coast until becoming part of the mainland in 1525; al-jaza'ir is itself short for the older name jaza'ir bani

Who is the Founder of Algeria?

Painting of Khair ad Din, also known as Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha, considered to be the founder of modern Algeria. The final triumph of the 700-year Christian reconquest of Spain was marked by the fall of Granada in 1492.

What Language does Algeria Speak?

Arabic became the official national language of Algeria in 1990, and most Algerians speak one of several dialects of vernacular Arabic. These are generally similar to dialects spoken in adjacent areas of Morocco and Tunisia. Modern Standard Arabic is taught in schools.

7 of the Most Interesting Facts About Algeria

  • Algeria is the Largest African Nation
  • Spread across more than 2 million square kilometres bordering Mali, Niger, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania, Algeria is the largest country on the continent. This means it beats out Libya, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and is nearly 5 times the size of Spain.
  • Algeria Boasts Seven UNESCO Sites
  • The Sahara desert takes up quite a bit of space
  • The national animal is absolutely adorable
  • It’s home to the famous Djamaa El Djazair mosque
  • Algerians are extremely hospitable
  • It’s the home of the endangered Saharan cheetah

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