Ozoro Poly Form 2020/2021 is Out

Otekpo Emmanuel Sunday, August 9, 2020 News

Delta State Polytechnic ozoro form 2020/2021 session is out. For ND, HND, Weekend and full time. For the application, we can help you to buy and process the form for you and give you a download link here on emmason247.com.ng. We have been tested and trusted by thousands of students. Emmason contact number: 08141689216 But if you feel you can do it yourself, then follow the steps at Application Method;
Delta State Polytechnic ozoro
For any questions, guidelines and purchase, join the discussion via comment. ELIGIBILITY All candidates who chose the Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro as first and/or second choice and scored 140 and above in the UTME for the 2020 Admission Exercise are eligible to participate in the screening exercise. Those who did not choose the Polytechnic but wish to be considered for admissions and scored the afore-mentioned cut off mark are also eligible to take part in the screening exercise. AVAILABLE COURSES (A) SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE i. ND Agricultural Technology ii. ND Fisheries Technology (B) SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING i. ND Agric. & Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology ii. ND Chemical Engineering Technology iii. ND Civil Engineering Technology iv. ND Computer Engineering Technology v. ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology vi. ND Mechanical Engineering Technology (C) SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES i. ND Building Technology ii. ND Quantity Surveying (D) SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. i. ND Computer Science ii. ND Food Science and Technology iii. ND Science Laboratory Technology iv. ND Statistics (E) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES i. ND Accountancy ii. ND Banking and Finance iii. ND Business Administration and Management iv. ND Marketing v. ND Mass Communication vi. ND Office Technology and Management. METHOD OF APPLICATION The Screening Fee for all HND candidates is N3,000 (Three Thousand Naira) only. All interested candidates should pay the aforementioned Screening Fee in favour of Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro in any branch of First Bank, Unity Bank and IC Global Bank in Ozoro Branch only and obtain Scratch Card from same bank. OR Visit the Polytechnic portal dspz.mycportal.com Click on the “Online Application”, click on “Start a new application”, read the instruction and click on “continue” Fill in your personal data and Select “Programme Type”, Faculty, Department and Programme for both first and second choice course Click on “Pay With Card” to make application fee payment with either Verve or Master Card InterSwitch enable card. Application Number will be generated after a successful payment and Reference Number will be sent to the specified “Email Address”. APPLICATION PAYMENT PROCESS Click on Pay with Card, Click ‘OK’ in the various pop up message then Click on url: “Click here to open a window that will take you to Interswitch WebPAY site to make the payment” After a successful payment, return to the previous mydspz portal page click on URL: “After a successful payment click here to proceed to Application” Your application number will be generated. Application Number will be generated after a successful payment and Reference Number will be sent to the specified “Email Address”. If your System went off during, before you could see your application number or you were debited and application number was not generated? Send your reference number to mydspz@socketworksng.com and we will furnish you with your Application Number. If you can’t upload your Passport? Check the passport file format which should be on “Jpeg” format. Proceeding from the first Page to the next Page? You are require to fill all required fields especially your email address before proceeding to Payment If you have other results other than WAEC and NECO, Kindly select “Other” and fill in the name of such exam result in the space provided. After a successful application, you are required to print out the online completed Application Form. Click on “Continue with a previous application” to access your already started application process after a successful Application Fee Payment and Application Number generated. You are required to access your application form with your Reference/Pin and Application Number. N.B: Application Process is only valid after a Successful Application Fee Payment and Application Number Generated. Should you encounter any difficulty while filling your application online? Please send an email to mydspz@socketworksng.com. SCREENING SCHEDULE DSPZ Post-UTME Screening has will be communicated in due course. TIME: 10.00 AM Venue: Various Heads of Department offices Materials Required for the Screening Exercise are; (i) Five (5) recent passport photographs. (ii) Photocopy of UTME Score slip. (iii) Examination result to include: WAEC, NECO, NABTEB etc. (iv) Certificate of Local Government of Origin. (v) Birth Certificate or Declaration of Age. (vi) Teller for the purchase of Post-UTME Application Form. (vii) Two copies of your on-line Application Form. Mode of Dressing: Corporate. Note that candidates who make false declarations of UTME scores and Ordinary Level grades shall not be considered for admission as the Polytechnic will interface with JAMB and various examination bodies websites during the Screening Exercise. DEADLINE Not Specified.

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