The History and Origin of Okwagbe Kingdom

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Wednesday, July 28, 2021 Basis


The History and Origin of Okwagbe Kingdom
Okwagbe is a village in the Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State, Southern Nigeria. The town is located along the Forçados River,okwagbe also has an island called christian's island. Okwagbe shares boundaries with the Oginibo, Okuemor, Otegbo, Owahwa, Egbo-Ide, and Okreka (Ofonibaya) communities, among others. Okwagbe is the most populated town in Ughelli South, and is regarded as a center of commerce. The market feature gives rise to the town's name, which means "coming together."This article will provide the history and origin of Okwagbe kingdom, religious beliefs, eduation level or activities in Okwagbe kingdom and lots more.

Education level/Activities of Okwagbe Kingdom

Okwagbe has two government primary schools, one government secondary school, one missionary secondary school, a government health center, private clinics, one major market, one police station, a military outlet/check point, and ten quarters, also known as streets.

Sub-divisions of Okwagbe Kingdom

The community is sub-divided into two wards: Okwagbe Inland and Okwagbe Water-side.

Religious Beliefs of Okwagbe People

Their major religion is Christianity (80%) while 20% practice igbe religion with the Boa(snake) as their gods. Many natives still practice African traditional religion, which has been practiced for thousands of years before the arrival of the Europeans to Africa. This is evident in the several ancestral shrines that can still be seen in Okwagbe. A critical appraisal of the belief system of the average Okwagbe indigene will reveal a combination of both Christian and pagan learnings.

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