The Origin, History And Culture Of Tiv Tribe In Nigeria

Blessing Billions Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Basis



The most popular well known theory of the Tiv people traces the origin of Tiv to Bantu people who lived in the Shaba area of the present Democratic Republic of Congo, oral tradition of Tiv origin reveals that those people came to their current location Benue state in Nigeria from the southeast. It is claimed that they wandered through southern, south-central and west-central Africa before arriving at the savannah lands of West African Sudan through the River Congo and Cameroon Mountains and settled at Swemkaragbe the region joining Cameron and Nigeria in the beginning of 1500 CE. Have you been wondering about What is The Origin Of Tiv Tribe In Nigeria? What and Where do Tiv people live?What is the tradition of Tiv people? Who is father of Tiv? What does the Tiv call God? What do you know about Tiv tribe history and origin? Where the tribe came from, and who are their ancestors? In this article we are going to tell you some known historical facts about this ethnic nation of West Africa.This post will Provide information On The Origin Of Tiv Tribe In Nigeria And Other Related Questions

Origin And History Tiv Tribe In Nigeria

The oral tradition of Tiv origin reveals that the people came to their current location that is Benue River in Nigeria from the southeast. Though, the official history recorded that the Tiv tribe had first meet with Europeans in November 1907. The tribe has a story of their first ancestor who had many names , he was called Takuruku, Gbe, Shon, Awanje, and Karagbe their founding father. They beleive that their ancestor gave birth to two children Ipusu and Ichongoa. Ichongo gave birth to Ikyura, Gondo, Nongo, Mase, Ihar, and Turan, while Ipusu gave birth to Kum, Kpar and Shitire Today this tribe is considered one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria, and has a population of more than six million people. There are various theories about Tiv origin. The most popular theory traces the origin of Tiv to Bantu people who lived in the Shaba area of the now Democratic Republic of Congo, R. C. Abraham made a list of about 67 Tiv words with words of Bantu Nyaza, and as a result, he revealed a strict familiarity in both the phonetic and the semantic items of the languages.The oral traditions of Tiv history affirms the theory of their migration from the southeast The skull of Takuluku, a father to Tiv people, was brought back from the Swem Mountain and is preserved in the Swem pot in powdered form.According to Rubingh, the migration happen about eleven generations ago.Tiv society is completely egalitarian that is without any central authority Traditional lineage elders settled political disputes.It is also said that they wandered through southern, south-central and west-central Africa before arriving at the savannah lands of West African Sudan through the River Congo and Cameroon Mountains and then settled at Swemkaragbe the region adjoining Cameron and Nigeria in the beginning of 1500 CE.They have no paramount chiefs although the British created one in 1948. Under indirect rule, the British granted authority to members of the Jokun minority in order to control the Tiv majority, and tensions have continued ever since.

The Tiv Culture In Nigeria

The teaching of Tiv religious ethics may be practical and impromptu taking place when occasioned by a particular act or event. Theoretical methods are also used, as when ethical values are inculcated through the telling of tales, myths, proverbs and fables. Their villages consist of compounds of sleeping huts, reception huts and granaries with a central marketplace. Their political organization and the possibility of conflict among territorial groups are traditionally based on the relative closeness of patrilineal descent members to a male ancestor. Nevertheless all Tiv have united against neighboring enemies Some Tiv have converted to Christianity, and a lesser number have adopted Islam but their traditional religion, they base on the manipulation of forces (akombo) entrusted to humans by a creator God remains strong, They are subsistence farmers whose main crops are yams, millet, and sorghum, all of which are eaten as porridge or are made more palatable by their combination of sauces and stews. Although goats and chickens are plentiful, few cattle are kept because of the tsetse fly.They live in the central Benue valley of Nigeria, have a name for God, Aondo (sky), but are not much interested in him because they say that he is not much interested in them. God, in their view created the earth and everything within it including the forces of evil.The Tiv believe that it is impossible for someone to kill or attempt to kill his elders. They believed that Hamlet should have contacted his father's friends to avenge the murder of King Hamlet.Tiv ethics cannot be separated from Tiv religion. Among the Tiv, who live in Benue State in central Nigeria, God (Aondo) is the greatest source of ethical values. God rewards good actions and punishes evildoers. In Tiv religion, divinities ('akombo') perform specialized functions in human society, Swem is a divinity in charge of justice. In government courts of law in Tiv land, adherents of the Tiv religion are provided with Swem to swear. Swem is also used to sanction policy decisions made by the council of elders. Witchcraft in Tiv religion is a source of negative moral consciousness. Their ethics is taught through Tiv traditional education, which survives to this day and which does not encourage individualistic tendencies but emphasizes solidarity, stability, orderliness, security and peace.Nigeria's Tiv, making up 2.5 per cent of the national population, live in the central-eastern state of Taraba in the valley of the Benue River, and neighboring states.

Dress code of the Tiv Tribe In Nigeria

Tiv people native dressing is a fabric wrapped around the waist and reaching the knees. Men wear form of turban. Tiv often prefer black and white traditional clothes. Their native dressing is known as A'nger.

Occupation Of Tiv Tribe In Nigeria

The Tiv poeple are said prosperous subsistence farmers and traders they grow yams, millet and sorghum and raising small livestock this is their major occupation.

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