Top 5 Illustrative Steps for Downloading YouTube Videos

Nuelson Penuel Monday, August 10, 2020 How To



Day in day out, millions of video are being uploaded to YouTube by various people that owns channels on YouTube aka the video content creators. Most people including me, whenever we are feeling lonely or less busy and need something to watch as movie just to keep the day going, our goto place that first occur in our mind is YouTube. Yes, YouTube has made a big name all over the world that even little children that create video content or infographics would like to upload it on YouTube for three purposes; 1. To teach or pass message to others 2. To have followers 3. And to earn for a living Most people used YouTube as a means to showcase their talent, inspire others in a particular field, introduce innovation and even pray for their followers. Churches for Instance used YouTube as a means to broadcast sundays and weekly activities services to their Church members and others that believed on the grace. Comedians upload their video clips to YouTube for their YouTube subscribers to watch, like and share. Through this means, they are also gaining popularity mostly when their videos are becoming interesting. YouTube has many features such as notifications, splitting and encrypting downloaded videos so that they can be shared through Bluetooth, Xender and any other files sharing apps EXCEPT the ones provided by YouTube. So this makes it become boredom and annoying mostly when you want to download your favorite videos to your phone gallery so that you can watch it whenever you like using any media player without having to turn on your data and go-to YouTube. I know you will say, but YouTube has offline video watching feature so what the heck am I saying. No doubt, you are right! But have you experienced the case of opening your YouTube only for you to see that the downloaded videos are corrupt or no where to be found? Or have you tried to change your YouTube email and see that all videos downloaded by you are no where to be found? Now you understand what I mean right? And the most annoying part about YouTube offline videos is that they still consume our space. So why should it not allow us to download and video save to our local disk rather than encrypting them? Well, at first I was really angry but later reconsider it that every labourer deserve his or her wages. YouTube is one of Google's sources of income. And if they allow us to download video directly to our local disk, maybe over a week we will never remember to go back. But most times you really want to download this video to your local disk so that you can watch it anytime you like. However, when the thought of downloading YouTube videos comes up, there is a side subject that must be considered: Is it really legal? As long as you're downloading the video for your own personal offline use, it's fine. It becomes a crime and prohibited if you consider Google's terms of service for YouTube, which reads:

Google Policy for YouTube

You are not allowed to...access, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, alter, modify or otherwise use any part of the Service or any Content except: (a) as expressly authorized by the Service; or (b) with prior written permission from YouTube and, if applicable, the respective rights holders. While did Google published this law? Well it is obvious. Watching YouTube videos offline through unofficial channels takes money from Google and video creators. Why, because their adverts campaign will no longer sell and most people including Google make money from these adverts. So, obviously, downloading videos from YouTube is considered stealing video and totally not acceptable. If you want to share a video, YouTube and most other video sites make it easy, from embedding to emailing to sharing via social networks. You simply do not need to download a video most of the time. However, you have your reasons. If you must download a YouTube video absolutely just for yourself, and not for dissemination and reproduction then is fine.

How To Download YouTube Videos

Downloading YouTube videos is easy as most apps gives you the ability to do it. Applications like VLC, utubeDownloader just mention but few have this feature. But in this post, we are not using any of the aforementioned apps. You don't need any apps before achieving this purpose that is why this post is one of the unique posts on "How do I download YouTube videos." Come to think of it, you the application installed in your system, you still need data meanwhile the application is consuming your system space. Though the case of VLC is different because it also serve as media player. What about the ones that the aim is just for downloading? Well on this post, you learn how to download YouTube videos online either through phone or PC. There is this online tool that I so much loved when it comes videos downloading especially from YouTube and that is savefrom.net. You might had heard of it or may be not. Savefrom.net makes life easier when downloading videos all you need to do is grab the video's url. Now, first start by searching for your favorite videos using your favorite broswer and search engine and you will get same screenshot below if you use Firefox and Google search engine. In my case, am using mobile phone, Firefox and Google as search engine.

Steps for Downloading YouTube Videos

1. First, open your browser, 2. At the address bar, type for instance "how to pray" and hit search or enter button 3. From the results that displayed, click on videos tab and you should see screenshot below
how to download YouTube videos
4. Click on the link that has YouTube on it and wait for it to open. You should now see web page like picture below
top 5 steps to save video from YouTube
5. Go to the address bar and highlight the page url then copy to clipboard. Note the url must look like this; Or you can also get the url by right clicking on the link from the searched result if you are using PC or tap and hold if you are using phone on the link then popup menu will display. Click or tap the copy link which resulted to something like this in my case: Now if you use this method, you only need the part that concerns YouTube as below; Now that we have gotten the url, head over to savefrom.net and you should see web page like picture below
how to save video using savefrom
Now paste the link you copied into the url "search box" and hit enter key. You should now see the below result.
how to download YouTube videos
One feature I loved about savefrom.net is the that they give you ability to choose from various download options in other to reduce data size. But hey, the lower the resolution, the lower the data and the lower the quality vice versa. So to reduce the resolution, click on the drop-down icon closed to download button you should now see result like picture below
steps for downloading YouTube videos
Now when you are true with your specifications, hit the download button. That's it. Superb right? Note: This post is for learning purposes and any misused of this guidelines for illegal purpose has nothing to do with the poster.

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Nuelson Penuel Thursday, August 13, 2020
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