What Are The Health Benefits Of Awolowo Plant (Chromolaena odorata)?

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Science and Nature

This post will provide information on "What are the health benefits of awolowo plant (Chromolaena odorata)?" as well as provide answers to questions like: What is the scientific name of Awolowo leaf? What's the English name for Awolowo leaf?What is the botanical name of independent leaf? What is the English name for Chromolaena odorata? What is the health benefit of Chromolaena odorata? What does scent leaf cure? Is Chromolaena odorata poisonous? What is the botanical name of independent leaf? Is Chromolaena odorata poisonous? What is the botanical name of independent leaf?

History Awolowo Plant (Chromolaena odorata)

Today, I present to you nature’s wound healer! The Yoruba call it “ewe Akintola” or “ewe Awolowo”. In eastern Nigeria, it is called several names among which are “Queen Elizabeth,” indicating that the spread of the weed might have been widely noticeable during the period of the queen’s visit to Nigeria. It is also called independence leaves. I spoke with Alhaji Alarape Dawud, a cocoa merchant in Iwo, Osun State, who told me the leaves can be cooked and the water used to bathe as malaria treatment. He also said the leaves are one of the ingredients soaked in water alongside others to beautify the floor of mud houses in the past. Chromolaena odorata belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is a traditional medicinal plant that is widely used for its wound healing property. In particular, the several parts of this herb have been used to treat wounds, burns and skin infections. The plant exhibits its wound healing property using multiple mechanisms, its extract contains many antioxidant compounds that enhance wound healing property, it reduces the bleeding and clotting time which may be the first line of action in the physiology of wound healing, it can protect the cells from destruction by inhibiting the inflammatory mediators. It has antibacterial activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, suggesting that it may reduce wound infections. In a study, the bleeding and clotting times decreased in animals treated with C. odorata extract. This shows that it remains a good hemostatic agent. Extracts from the leaves have been shown to be beneficial for treatment of wounds. The leaf is ground into a paste and is applied topically on affected places to heal wounds. A product named Eupolin, made from the plant has already been licensed for use in Vietnam for soft tissue burns and wounds. It is also applied topically as an antidote to the sting of the spine of the common sea catfish. The fresh leaves or a decoction of the plant are used for the treatment of leech bites, soft tissue wounds, burn wounds, skin infections, rashes, diabetes, periodontists and as an insect repellent. A poultice of the leaves is traditionally applied to cuts or wounds to stop bleeding and promote healing. An aqueous decoction of the roots is used as an antipyretic and analgesic remedy. The leaf extract with salt is used as a gargle for sore throats and colds.

Health Benefits of Awolowo Plant (Chromolaena odorata)

  • Taking half glass cup in the morning and evening for a week, will definitely deliver anyone from body/back pain
  • To prevent yourself from developing the disease, you can drink the chromolaena odorata tea
  • To maintain the health of female reproductive organ, you can drink the chromolaena odorata brewed water
  • The chromolaena odorata leaves can also prevent diabetes
  • It can help when your ulcer is relapsing and it is also believed to be able to cure your ulcer if consumed routinely
  • It helps to maintain the heart health
  • For those of you who wants to decrease the cholesterol level in your body, you can drink the chromolaena odorata brewed water when your cholesterol level is increasing or when you just consumed seafood

Side Effects of Awolowo Plant (Chromolaena odorata)

Awolowo leaf or Akintola leaf should not be consumed by pregnant women. This is because it can cause miscarriage, low birth weight or congenital abnormalities in the in-born babies. It can also cause abdominal pains, nausea, vomitting, bad breath, can worsen ulcer pain if consumed in excess, kidney damage, liver damage and diarrhea.

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