What Are The Health Benefits Of Banana Fruit (Musa spp)?

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Friday, September 17, 2021 Science and Nature

This post will provide information on "What are the health benefits of banana fruit (Musa spp)?" as well as provide answers to questions like: Where did the banana originate from? What was the original banana called? Is it good to eat banana everyday? What do bananas do to your body? What are the disadvantages of banana? What is the best time to eat banana? What is bad about bananas? What is the side effect of eating too much banana? When should you not eat bananas?

History of Banana Fruit (Musa spp)

Bananas were originally found in South East Asia, mainly in India. They were brought west by Arab conquerors in 327 B.C. and moved from Asia Minor to Africa and finally carried to the New World by the first explorers and missionaries to the Caribbean. The mass production of bananas started in 1834 and really started exploding in the late 1880’s. Before the 1870’s most of the land that bananas were grown on in the Caribbean had been previously used to grow sugar. After this time low marsh land started to be drained along with forests that were cleared in Central America for banana monocrops (which is growing one crop to increase productivity). In the early years of Central American banana trade the head of United Fruit had a marriage for political gain to the daughter of the Costa Rican President. This allowed the fruit company United Fruit to start acquiring the other fruit companies in the country. In the 1950’s when freely elected government of Guatemala threatened United Fruits control, United Fruit convinced the CIA that an overthrow was in order. The CIA placed a right-wing dictator loyal to United Fruit in power securing United Fruit’s position in Guatemala. The first notable disease to strike bananas was a mold called Fusarium, it struck the roots of the Gros Michel which is a variety of bananas. Fusarium was also known as Panama Disease which was carried in the soil. In the 1920’s a second disease struck banana crops called Sigatosa, which is an airborne fungus. In the mind 1920’s United Fruit pathologists found that they could spray the plants with a “Bordeaux mixture” which is a pesticide, and it helped control the Sigatosa. The strategy to control Fusarium was to move banana plantations every ten years or so. Then researchers developed a banana that was immune to Fusarium, the Giant Cavendish, which is the variety that has come to dominate modern worldwide consumption, appeared in the s (1950’s. Banana is a fruit that grows near tropical rainforests. All parts of the plant, including the fruit, leaves, "false stem," stem, flowers, and roots, can be used as medicine.

Health Benefits of Banana Fruit (Musa spp)

  • Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates, 5 times as much Vitamin A and iron, and 3 times as much phosphorus as apples which makes it a super food for the body<
  • Two bananas can supply enough calories for up to an one hour 30 minutes in a day which makes banana an energy booster
  • Because they are rich in potassium, bananas help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain and also maintain a regular heartbeat
  • Well-ripened bananas have a type of fiber that helps to restore and maintain regular bowel function
  • Bananas have a small amount of tryptophan, an amino acid that when combined with natural vitamin B6 which helps to boost the production of serotonin which may help your mind and body relax so you feel happier
  • Unripe Bananas May Improve Insulin Sensitivity
  • Bananas have plenty of vitamin B6 whic may reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
  • Because of the calming properties associated with vitamin B6, bananas are often eaten by pregnant women to combat early-pregnancy morning sickness
  • The natural ingredients in bananas and their ability to replenish the body’s vitamins make them an ideal way to reduce the effects of a hangover
  • Rubbing the inside of a banana peel reduces itching and swelling of insect bites
  • Bananas help to increase mucus in the digestive tract, which can help heal or even prevent stomach ulcers
  • Banana peels also heal plantar, flat or common warts
  • Side Effects of Banana Fruit (Musa spp)

    Side effects to banana are rare but may include bloating, gas, cramping, softer stools, nausea, and vomiting. In very high doses, bananas might cause high blood levels of potassium. Some people are allergic to banana.

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