What Are The Health Benefits Of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)?

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, September 23, 2021 Science and Nature

This post will provide information on "What are the health benefits of lime fruit (Citrus latifolia)?" as well as provide answers to questions like: What did limes evolve from? Why is the fruit called lime? Who invented lime? Which came first lemon or lime? Is lime a lemon? Are limes a natural fruit? Which is better lemon or lime? Is it OK to drink lime water everyday?

History of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)

Most species and hybrids of citrus plants called "limes" have varying origins within tropical Southeast Asia and South Asia. They were spread throughout the world via migration and trade. The kaffir lime, in particular, was one of the earliest citrus fruits introduced to other parts of the world by humans. They were spread into Micronesia and Polynesia via the Austronesian expansion (c. 3000–1500 BCE). They were also later spread into Middle East, and the Mediterranean region via the spice trade and the incense trade routes from as early as ~1200 BCE. To prevent scurvy during the 19th century, British sailors were issued a daily allowance of citrus, such as lemon, and later switched to lime. The use of citrus was initially a closely guarded military secret, as scurvy was a common scourge of various national navies, and the ability to remain at sea for lengthy periods without contracting the disorder was a huge benefit for the military. British sailors thus acquired the nickname "Limey" because of their use of limes. Contact with lime peel or lime juice followed by exposure to ultraviolet light may lead to phytophotodermatitis, which is sometimes called margarita photodermatitis or lime disease (not to be confused with Lyme disease). Bartenders handling limes and other citrus fruits while preparing cocktails may develop phytophotodermatitis.

Description of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)

A lime (from French lime, from Arabic lima, from Persian limu, "lemon"), is a citrus fruit, which is typically round, green in color, 3–6 centimetres (1.2–2.4 in) in diameter, and contains acidic juice vesicles. There are several species of citrus trees whose fruits are called limes, including the Key lime (Citrus aurantiifolia), Persian lime, kaffir lime, and desert lime. Limes are a rich source of vitamin C, are sour, and are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages. They are grown year-round. Plants with fruit called "limes" have diverse genetic origins; limes do not form a monophyletic group.

Nutritional Composition of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)

One whole, medium lime (67 grams) provides:
  • Calories: 20
  • Carbs: 7 grams
  • Protein: 0.5 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Fiber: 1.9 grams
  • Vitamin C: 22% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Iron: 2% of the RDI
  • Calcium: 2%% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 2% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 1% of the RDI

Health Benefits of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)

  • Limes are high in active compounds that function as antioxidants in your body, including flavonoids, limonoids, kaempferol, quercetin, and ascorbic acid
  • Limes are high in vitamin C, a nutrient that may help boost your immune system
  • Limes have several properties that may promote healthy skin
  • Research shows that limes may reduce several heart disease risk factors
  • Citrus fruits like limes are high in citric acid, which may prevent kidney stones by raising levels of citrate and binding stone-forming minerals in the urine
  • Foods high in vitamin C, such as limes, may help prevent iron deficiency anemia by improving the absorption of iron from plant-based foods
  • Citrus fruits like lime have compounds that have been linked to a lower risk of certain cancers
  • Side Effects of Lime Fruit (Citrus latifolia)

    • If you’re allergic to other citrus fruits, avoid limes as they can cause food allergy symptoms, such as swelling, hives, and breathing difficulties
    • Some people may experience acid reflux from eating limes or drinking the juice due to its acidity
    • Eating many limes can increase your risk of cavities, as the acid in limes and other citrus fruits can erode tooth enamel
    • May result in digestive symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing
    • Applying limes directly to your skin can make it more sensitive to the sun’s UV rays and cause inflammation known as phytophotodermatitis

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