What Are The Procedures For The Production Of Germicides And Disinfectants Like Izal In Nigeria?

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, December 16, 2021 How To



This post will provide information on "what are the procedures for the production of germicides and disinfectants like Izal in Nigeria?" and also provide answers to questions regarding the production of germicides and disinfectants in Nigeria.

What Are Germicides?

Any substance or process that kills germs (bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause infection and disease).

What Are Disinfectants?

Disinfectants are chemical agents applied to non-living objects in order to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold or mildews living on the objects.

Materials Needed for the Production of Germicides in Nigeria

  • Texapon
  • This is a thick pale substance which acts as a boosting agent in the production of germicides.
  • Phenol
  • This is a white aromatic solid which kills germs. It is an acidic benzene derivative and could also be in its liquid form. The volatile acidic compound, also called carbolic acid, must be treated and handled with caution because of the corrosive nature of acids.
  • Concentrate
  • This is also a very active agent in the germicide and also kills germs as it is a very poisonous acidic compound. It also must be handled with caution to prevent corrosion and burns.
  • Booster
  • As the name implies, it boosts the quantity of germicide produced. One of the sole aims of any good entrepreneur should be to produce quality products and also at a higher yield so as to maximize profit. The germicide booster is always available to help you achieve this.
  • Pine oil
  • This is an important oil and is produced from steam distillation of different species of pine. It serves as a cleaning agent in the germicide. Beyond killing germs, germicides also serve as cleaning agents and the pine oil is the major cleaning agent in the germicide. It is also the basic ingredient that provides the characteristic scent of germicides.
  • Carboxylic acid
  • This is a natural occurring acid found in some plants and animals. For instance, acetic acid can be found in vinegar and formic acid can be found in insect stings, amino acids also possess the carboxylic acid functional group, alongside with the amine functional group. It is also one of the ingredients of the germicide responsible for killing germs. Because, it is a naturally occurring acid, it is less corrosive than other acids stated, however, it must also be properly handled as it could be required in a concentrated form.
  • Lyzol
  • This ingredient serves doubly as a disinfecting (germ killing) agent and also serves as a cleaning agent.
  • Whitener
  • This provides the characteristic whit colour of the germicide.
  • Water
Considering the acid content of most ingredients used, it is very necessary that enough water is used in the production of germicides, so as to dilute the concentration of the acids, that the germicide may be quite mild enough to our skin or respiratory tracts when inhaled but still tough enough to the germs.

Materials For Production Of 5 Liters Germicide

The ingredients stated above must be adequately mixed in a given proportion, so as to enable effective germ killing ability and cleaning power of the germicide.
  • 1 cup of texapol
  • 1 cup of phenol
  • 1 cup of concentrate
  • 1 cup of booster
  • ½ cup of pine oil
  • 1 cup of carboxylic acid
  • 1 cup of Lysol
  • 1 cup of whitener
  • 3 liters of water

Procedure on How to Produce Germicides in Nigeria

  • Add texapol and phenol to a neatly dried bowl and ensure that a homogeneous mixture is formed (texapol dissolves in phenol)
  • Add pine oil and stir well
  • Add Lysol and stir properly too
  • Add the booster and keep stirring
  • Add two liters of water to prepare a suitable medium for the acid to be added
  • Dilute the carboxylic acid with water, add the whitener to it and then, add it to the other ingredients previously stirred. Keep stirring properly
  • Add the concentrate and keep stirring
  • Pour the remaining liter of water to the mixture and stir properly

How to Produce Disinfectants in Nigeria

This chemical process can be hazardous therefore caution must be exercised when dealing with the chemicals. You will need the following materials in the production process: Safety Goggles, Gloves, Mixing Bowls, and Measuring Cup/Cans.

Chemical Requirement for the Production of Disinfectant like Izal in Nigeria

  • Texapon
  • This is a thick pale substance that acts as boosting agent in the production process.
  • Phenol
  • This is a white aromatic crystalline solid that is volatile (also sold in liquid form). It is also called carbolic acid. It kills germs. It is gently acidic so it should be properly handled with caution because it burns.
  • Pine Oil
  • This is important oil that is produced from steam distillation of twigs, needles, and cones from different species of pine. It acts as a cleaning agent in the germicide.
  • Izal Booster
  • Just as the name implies, it boosts the quantity of the germicide produced.
  • Izal Concentrate
  • This is the active agent in the germicide. A very poisonous acidic compound and must be handled with care. It kills germs on contact.
  • Whitener
  • This is what gives the germicide the characteristic white colour.
  • Carboxylic Acid
  • This is a natural occurring acid which is made up example of which are acetic acid (as vinegar), insect’s stings (formic acid), amino acids etc. It also forms part of the disinfecting agent in the disinfectant.
  • Lyzol
This is a cleaning and germ killing agent and active in the disinfectant.

Measurement of chemicals needed to Produce Disinfectants like Izal

Your measurement should be relative to the quantity of Izal . Take for instance, the measurement above is just for 5 litres of Izal. Therefore the measurement can be reduced or increased depending on the quantity of Izal you want to produce
  • 1 cup of texapol
  • 1 cup of phenol
  • 1 cup of lysol
  • ½ cup of pine oil
  • 1 cup of izal concentrate
  • 1 cup of white binder
  • 1 cup of Carbolic acid
  • 1 cup of Izal Booster
  • 3 Litres of Water

Procedures on How to Produce Disinfectants Like Izal

  • Mix the texapon, phenol and pine oil together properly to form a solution without adding water
  • Add 2 litres of water into the solution to repress the strength of the phenol
  • Add the other chemicals one after the other into the solution
  • Then dilute the carboxylic acid and add to the solution and gently mix for one minute to two minute. At this point your disinfectant is ready
  • Get them packaged in a clean and dried plastics containers with flip top or screw top

Is IZAL good for bathing?

Get the best disinfectants and antiseptics to keep your body clean, treat your wounds and have a generally more hygienic environment. You can also add disinfectants to your bath water for an extra fresh feeling.


We should avoid direct contact of germicides and disinfectants with our skin or eye and also prevent excessive inhalation. Water also serves as a liquefying agent, to make the germicide and disinfectant less thickened than it would have been if all the ingredients were ordinarily added together.

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