What is Conflict Resolution? Types and its Benefits

Nuelson Penuel Sunday, June 18, 2023 Basis

Conflict simply means disagreement between two persons, family, or group of people. There are many reasons that conflict may occur. However, the context of this post focused on how conflict can be resolved. In this post, we are going to discuss what is conflict resolution, types and benefits of conflict resolution.

What is Conflict Resolution?

Conflict resolution refers to the process of resolving conflicts or disputes between individuals or groups in a peaceful and constructive manner. It involves finding a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the underlying issues, meets the needs of both parties, and promotes positive relationships. RECOMMENDED: Meaning of Ethnic Conflict

Types of Conflict Resolution

There are several types of conflict resolution approaches or strategies that can be used depending on the specific situation and parties involved. Some common types of conflict resolution include: 1. Collaborative Problem-Solving: This approach emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. Parties work together to identify common goals, brainstorm solutions, and reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It focuses on finding win-win solutions that address the underlying concerns of all parties involved. 2. Mediation: Mediation involves the intervention of a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who assists the conflicting parties in reaching a resolution. The mediator facilitates communication, ensures equal participation, and helps parties explore options and negotiate a mutually satisfactory outcome. 3. Negotiation: Negotiation involves direct discussions between the parties involved in the conflict. It aims to find a compromise by each party making concessions and seeking a middle ground. Negotiation can be done individually or collectively, and it often involves bargaining and trading to reach an agreement. 4. Arbitration: Arbitration is a more formal process where an impartial third party, known as an arbitrator, makes a binding decision on the conflict. The arbitrator listens to both sides, evaluates evidence, and then delivers a final decision. This approach is commonly used in legal disputes or when parties prefer a more authoritative resolution. 5. Facilitation: Facilitation involves a neutral third party who assists in guiding the conflict resolution process. The facilitator helps to manage the discussions, ensures everyone has a chance to speak and be heard, and maintains a respectful and constructive environment. They do not impose decisions but focus on facilitating open dialogue and fostering understanding. 6. Emotion-focused conflict resolution: This approach emphasizes addressing the underlying emotions and feelings that contribute to the conflict. Parties are encouraged to express their emotions and listen empathetically to each other. Techniques such as active listening, empathy-building exercises, and emotional expression can help foster healing and understanding. 7. Avoidance: Although not always the most effective strategy, sometimes conflicts can be resolved by avoiding or minimizing them. This can be done by disengaging from the conflict, temporarily postponing discussions, or focusing on areas of agreement rather than disagreement. However, long-term avoidance may lead to unresolved tensions and potential escalation of the conflict. The choice of conflict resolution approach depends on various factors, including the nature of the conflict, the willingness of parties to cooperate, and the desired outcome. It is important to select the most appropriate strategy based on the specific situation to maximize the chances of a successful resolution.

Aim of Conflict Resolution

The aim of conflict resolution is not to eliminate conflict entirely, but rather to manage and transform it into a healthier and more productive state. It recognizes that conflicts are a natural part of human interaction and can arise due to various reasons such as differing goals, values, interests, or perceptions.

What are the Processes of Conflict Resolution?

The process of conflict resolution typically involves the following steps: 1. Identification: The first step in conflict resolution is recognizing that a conflict exists. This involves understanding the nature and underlying causes of the conflict, as well as the parties involved. 2. Active listening and understanding: Each party's viewpoint, interests, and concerns should be heard and understood. Active listening involves paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication, demonstrating empathy, and striving to see the conflict from the other person's perspective. 3. Communication: Effective and open communication is crucial to resolving conflicts. It involves expressing oneself clearly and respectfully, avoiding blaming or attacking language, and using "I" statements to take ownership of one's feelings and needs. 4. Collaboration and negotiation: Encouraging collaboration and negotiation allows all parties to work together towards finding a mutually beneficial solution. This involves brainstorming ideas, exploring alternative options, and searching for common ground. 5. Problem-solving: Problem-solving techniques help parties to identify specific issues, analyze the root causes, and creatively generate potential solutions. Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each solution helps in making informed decisions. 6. Decision-making: Once potential solutions are generated, parties need to assess and select the best option. The decision-making process should consider the interests and needs of all parties involved. 7. Implementation: This step involves devising a plan of action to put the selected solution into practice. It may include allocating tasks, setting timelines, and defining roles and responsibilities. 8. Follow-up and evaluation: To ensure the effectiveness of the solution, ongoing monitoring and evaluation are crucial. Regular check-ins can help assess if the resolution is meeting the desired outcomes and identify any necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution has numerous benefits, including: 1. Improved relationships: Conflict resolution helps to mend strained relationships and build stronger bonds between individuals or groups. It promotes mutual understanding, empathy, and respect, leading to better communication and cooperation. 2. Increased productivity: Conflict can drain energy and hinder productivity. By resolving conflicts, people can focus their time and efforts on more productive activities. Conflict resolution encourages collaboration and problem-solving, fostering a more efficient work environment. 3. Enhanced creativity and innovation: When conflicts are addressed and resolved, people feel more comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions. This creates a supportive environment that encourages creativity and innovation, as everyone can contribute freely without fear of conflict. 4. Better decision-making: Conflict resolution involves analyzing different viewpoints and finding common ground. This process often leads to more informed decision-making, as all perspectives are evaluated and considered. By involving multiple perspectives, the quality of decisions can be improved. 5. Reduced stress and improved well-being: Conflict can cause stress and have a negative impact on psychological well-being. Resolving conflicts eliminates the tension and anxiety associated with disagreements, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being. 6. Strengthened teamwork: Conflict resolution fosters a sense of teamwork and cooperation among individuals or groups. By resolving conflicts, team members can work together more effectively, sharing responsibilities, and supporting each other to achieve common goals. 7. Increased trust and loyalty: Conflict resolution builds trust and loyalty among individuals or groups. When conflicts are resolved in a fair and respectful manner, it promotes a sense of trust and confidence in one another. Trust is essential for healthy relationships and cooperation. 8. Personal growth and development: Conflict resolution challenges individuals to develop their communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. By engaging in conflict resolution, people can learn to manage emotions, listen actively, and find constructive solutions. These skills can benefit them in all aspects of life.


Conflict resolution aims to foster compromise, understanding, and collaboration, rather than one party "winning" over the other. Successful conflict resolution requires active participation, empathy, effective communication, and a commitment to finding a mutually beneficial solution. Furthermore, conflict resolution cultivates a positive and supportive environment, leading to stronger relationships, increased productivity, and improved well-being for all involved parties.

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