Who Is A Manager And What Are The Functions Of A Manager In Nigeria?

Francis Happiness Thursday, June 2, 2022 Business



Today we are going to discuss about who a manger is and functions of a manager in an organization. A manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. This article therefore will provide information on roles of a manger, types of managers in Nigeria, characteristics and features of a manager in Nigeria and lots more.

Who is a Manager in Nigeria?

A manager is an individual in an organization who is responsible for developing and carrying out this managerial process.

What are the Function/Roles of a Manager in Nigeria

  • Planning
  • The manager needs to plan the schedule and give the blueprint of how the task is to be done with all the necessary details, and also the manager should have a backup plan so that if the initial plan does not work, there should be another plan on ground to substitute the former plan.
  • Organizing
  • This is the follow-up required from the manager to ensure that the proposed plan for a particular project comes to reality. In other words, the manager sets the plan in motion via organizational processes.
  • Staffing
  • This is the stage or phase whereby the manager assigns duties to group of persons/people in an organization in order to ensure that the task at hand is achieved. This involves setting up teams with a team leader who over-sees the performance and completion of a given task.
  • Directing/Leading
  • One of the roles of a manager is to guide other staff in an organization in all situations in order to avoid disputes and delay in the task. Manager has to lead the employees so that they can get a clear idea about what is to be done and how it should be done.
  • Coordinating
  • This means bringing all the employees together by forming an efficient relationship and making them feel comfortable to share their views and issues freely.
  • Reporting
  • Another role of the manager is to keep updated information about all the ongoing tasks, and report the updated status to the higher authorities; while all the employees are bound to report to the manager.
  • Budgeting
  • The manager needs to ensure that all the amount invested in the project doesn’t exceed the budget given and in case of imbalance, the budgeting manager has to report to the management.
  • Controlling
One of the sole aim or role of manager is that the manager has everything under his control.

What are the Different Types of Managers In Nigeeria?

  • Top-Level Managers
  • They help maintain the organizational growth and execute plans over the long term. They make major business decisions such as launching a new product or restructuring departments with the goal of seeing the company thrive, not just in the moment but into the future. Top-level managers often have the word “chief” in their job titles, such as chief executive officer, chief financial officer, etc.
  • Middle Managers
  • Middle managers tend to function as points of contact between first-line managers and top-level management, ensuring that the two groups maintain productive two-way communication. These managers often have job titles that include the word “director.” They may also be department heads.
  • First-Line Managers
  • They work directly with non-management employees and project team members. Their role is to supervise employee productivity and hold employees accountable for achieving organizational goals.
  • Team Leaders
These are managers that are responsible for carrying out a particular task, product, or project by overseeing all the needed requirements for their assignment, which may include completing a project on time, approving employees application, and assigning specific tasks to other members of the team.

What are Other Types of Manager in Nigeria?

  • The Problem-Solving Manager
  • The Pitchfork Manager
  • The Pontificating Manager
  • The Presumptuous Manager
  • The Perfect Manager
  • The Passive Manager
  • The Proactive Manager

What are the Characteristics/Features of a Manager?

Let now take look at the verious characteristics features of a good manager in Nigeria.
  • Transparency
  • Excellent Communication
  • Listening Skills
  • Appreciating and Encouraging Teamwork
  • Consistency and Reliability
  • Trustworthiness
  • The Drive to Set Goals
  • Making Decisions and Accepting Responsibility
  • Empathy and Sensitivity
  • Emotional intelligence, which encompasses sensitivity and empathy, is a soft skill all modern managers need to have.
  • Rewarding and Recognizing Employees
  • A Willingness to Change
  • Conflict Resolution rather than Conflict Avoidance
  • Empowering and Motivating Your Team

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