Housing in most countries of the world is an important economic sector and the manner in which resource are mobilized for has a major effect on the economy. Despite the knowledge of the importance of housing, ownership or accessibility to decent houses and mobilization of resources remain a problem in Nigeria. This project examines the effect of mortgage institution in the provision of affordable and sustainable houses in Nigeria. The survey covers mortgage institutions, federal and state ministries and parastatals, stakeholders in the building industries and educational sector. To be able to evaluate the effect, questionnaires were administered with personal interview. A total of fifty (50) questionnaires were distributed randomly to those staffs. The percentage method and chi-square test were used in analyzed the data gathered. The results revealed that the effect f mortgage institutions in Nigeria is inadequate. This ineffectiveness can be traced to high rate of interest charged on properties, insufficient fund, low level of participation in the Natural Housing Fund and down payment. It is recommended that the rate charged on properties should be reduced, worker should be encouraged to register in the National Housing fund and he Government in collaboration with lending houses should develop a formular to remove various bottle neck connected with loans, especially the issue of collaterals.