This project under study is basically the motivational strategy as a tool for enhancing employee productivity, it is a significant milestone that sought to the way of employee productivity. No doubt, salary has great impact on employee’s productivity. From the data gathered through primary source, which involves the use of questionnaire in data analysis while the secondary source were used for literature review. The study reveals that employee’s can put more effort to their work when they receive satisfyable salary. A general information on salary and its impact on employee’s productivity. More also, the research conducted will be analyzed based on the data available, thus the research methodology were various method will be used to analyzed the data collected to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. Moreover, there will be data presentation and interpretation, data presentation is an indication of actual presentation trends of relationship which each caries a heading. Data interpretation requires proper description or explanation of data as presented and analyzed in the table by using appropriate smooth. Precise and concise language. The project work ended with various method and salary structure in an organization that is used to improve employees productivity in an organization.