Sachet tomatoes paste is one of the most essential requirement of cooking, industrial and health purpose. The six brands of canned sachet tomatoes paste (villa, magnate, sarah, De-rica, tasty tom and Gino). Commonly sold in Delta State, Ozoro market, where purchased from the vendors and analyzed the health risk assessment of Lead and Nickel concentration using UV-visible spectrophotometer the results obtained ranged from 0.1mg/kg to 0.01mg/kg for Lead and Nickel. The estimated daily intake follows in order B= D for adult. While for Nickel B > D for children for Nickel and that of Lead was 6.66 for children. Similarly the health quotential (HQ) for adults ranged from 1.75-439.75 for Nickel for adult are 166.5 – 437.5 for children while lead is 166. The estimated daily intake and health quotential values obtained in the study were all greater than implying serious risk terms of Nickel and Lead in showed sample.