This study aims at improving the performance of small-scale enterprises in Nnewi-South Local Government Area of Anambra State. The research work has five chapters and it goes like this:-
Chapter one deals with the general introduction and discussion of the topic under research. It went further to state the problem to be studied and why this study was carried out, the scope and limitation of the stud and finally the significant of the study.
Chapter two looks at a number of post related literature examined by other studies as it relates to the problem and the improvement of small-scale industries in Nigeria and Nnewi-South in particular.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the method of data collection. It also deals with the way questionnaire were distributed and the treatment of data.
In chapter four, the data got from research survey were presented, analyse and interpreted. Also similar question from questionnaire were also analysed.
Finally, chapter five deals with the summary of findings, conclusion of the research work and also recommendation was made by the researcher.
If small-scale enterprise in Nnewi-South and in Nigeria would put the recommendation into practice and better use, there would be improvement in their business.