This study had investigated the effect of leadership style on employees’ commitment and performance in an organization. Transformational and transactional leadership theories were considered in this study. Transformational leadership behaviors and outcome considered relevant in this study were inspirational motivation and intellectual situation and individual consideration respectively. Transactional leadership behaviour and performance variables were constructive / contingent reward and correction / management by exception and effort, productivity and commitment respectively. It also went further to discuss the different leadership styles. Which are participative, directive, delegative and the roles and problem of leaders in organization, when the organization culture is reflecting the employees value in the organization. This paper is a conceptual based paper which gives theoretical evidence to support the idea. The results of the paper suggest that leadership style is a strong dimension of organization commitment when organization culture of the organization represents the employees value in the organization. Employee are more satisfied if the organization will meet their expectation which are the part of that organization culture, so they are more committed with the organization. The main findings of this research work were; P.A table water uses participative and delegative leadership styles and not the directives leadership styles, leadership style enhance organizational objective through improved commitment and job productivity , P.A table water adopt their leadership style to enhance employees interest to work and get ideal and new skills from employees. And the conclusion drawn from the findings was P.A table water uses effective and efficient operation to help realize the organizational goals and objective faster.