In this study, researcher examined the management Audit. As tool for achieving organizational objectives. A case study of Emenite Company lit. The study is significance on system of management audit is intended not only to maintain an adequate method of processing accounting data, but also to safe guard the company against possible financial loss due to fraud or errors. With the, identification of the problems of the system, an attempt was made to device some solution to the problems. The objectives of research includes: to achieve the completeness, accuracy, and validity of recording of the transactions of the organization; all income or revenue due to the company are received and recorded accurately in the book. All assets are correctly recorded and adequate safeguard against loss, damaged or waste. Relevant and related literature were reviewed and influences drawn as to proof to a support of the hypothesis. Data were collected by administration of questionnaires and conduction of oral interview.
The population of the study was made up 57 persons, as the population and sample size was 50 respondents. The application of YARO YAMANI formula was used to determine the above sample size.