Co-operative society was introduced into Nigeria in 1935.The objective include the pooling of sources together to achieve common goal and the substances of rural economy through marking fund available to the enterprising rural populace.
However, members have been too much reluctant over the service offered to them by these co-operative societies, especially in Oji-River local Government Area of Enugu state.
There is need to ensure effective and efficient management system in order to realize the aspirations of its member, for this reason, management system of Oji-River cooperative supermarket and the full participation of its members constituted the core of this research work. The research dealt with preliminary studies and statement of the problems, purposes, scope and significance of the study were properly treated.
Furthermore, history of co-operative movement in Nigeria, importance of co-operative movement in rural development was covered. The research used both questionnaire and face to face interview method in data collection
In addition, the research highlighted problems and prospects as it concerns to co-operative education, marketing and production some of the problems besetting effective management system of co-operative supermarket Oji-River, not only emanated from their functional constraints and lack of orientation and massive education of member and staff but all due to poor accountability by the leaders, with respect to fund handling.