This research was carried out to qualitatively and quantitatively ascertain the phytochemicals present in tiger-nut. Tiger-nuts (yellow variety) were purchased at Warri, Delta State. The tiger-nuts were sorted, cleaned and air dried for 48 hours. The raw peanuts were then blended into fine coarse powder using an electric blender (Kenwood, BL 355 350W). The fine coarse powder (100g) was soaked in 1 liters of 80% ethanol for 72 hours with regular stirring. The extract was then filtered through a sintered funnel and Whatman No. 1 filter paper. The resultant filtrate was concentrated using a rotary evaporator at 50°C. The resultant brownish paste deposited at the bottom of the flask was then dried in an oven at 45°C. The dry extract was then scraped out with a stainless spatula, crushed in a mortar and then kept in glass bottle until required for phytochemical analyses. The result showed the presence of alkaloid (++), saponin (++), flavonoid (++), glycoside (++) and tannins (+++).The quantity of the phytochemicals present in the tiger nut sample was analysed and the result showed that alkaloids, glycoside, tannins and flavonoids have the value of 0.34±0.20, 0.47±0.002, 0.45±0.007 and 0.23±0.001 respectively. The tiger nut (Cyperusesculentus) contains phytochemicals which are potential sources for useful drugs. This study goes a long way to justify the use of tiger nut (Cyperusesculentus).