Daucus carota popularly known as carrot, is one of the most popular root vegetables grown throughout the world and it is one of the most important carotenoids. Carrots are credited with many medicinal properties, they are said to cleanse the intestines and to be diuretic, revitalizing, antidiarrheal, antianemic and rich in alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood. It also has a repution as a vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight. Vegetables and fruits have improved the human diet for centuries, enriching it nutritionally and sensorially. The carrot samples used in this study were purchased from a vendor at Ozoro local market. The fresh pumpkin leaves samples were washed under tap water. The leaves were thoroughly washed with distilled water to remove soluble impurities; air dried inside the laboratory at room temperature and then crushed using mortar and pestle into fine powder. The present study shows that carrot contains high percentage of protein (2.3%), and carbohydrate (19.2%), while the % composition of fat (1.5%) is relatively low. This might be attributed to the quantity of fertilizer applied during cultivation. Comparatively, the crude protein content of Carrot leaves is higher than protein content of many vegetable leaves consumed in Nigeria as reported in many literatures. There are many other mineral components that were not discovered in this study, hence future researchers should try as much as possible to discover more of these constituents like phenol, terpenes, terpenoids, eugeuds and anthraquinone.