The research project is strictly embarked upon finding how public relation as an aid to
successful government business administration (A case study of ESBS Enugu)
It is the aim of this research work
successful government business administration. This research work has five chapters.
Chapter one contains a general discussion of public relation as seen by different people. It studied and why this study was carried out, the scope and limitation of the study and finally the definition of terms.
A number of past-related literature examined by the other strides as it relates to public relation and it activities are highlighted in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the method used in collecting relevant data. It also deals with the way the questionnaire were distributed and the treatment of data.
The data got from the research survey were analyzed and interpreted also similar question on questionnaires were compared in chapter four. Based on following findings were made.
1. That public relation bring awareness of a product to the public
2. That public relation is important in ESBS
3. That public relation improve communication between people and the public
4. That effective public relation enhance increase in demand
5. That public organization use public relation at their advantage.
From the following these recommendation were made
1. That public relation department should be established in every business venture.
Public relations serve as a motivation of consumers.
3. Public relation are made up pf publicity relation is an aid
successful government business administration
In conclusion, it is necessary for all organization to readily publicize relation department to ensure the publicity of their product service or business unit.