This research study on training and development of employees, a panacea for improved productivity in an organisation covers five(5) chapters. In chapter one, the researcher discuss what we intend to achieve, why training and development is important in an organisation, identifying the role of training and development in an organisation and also discuss certain questions that bothers the researchers in the cause of this study. Some of which are to examine how high productivity based on the attitude of staff who work together, to identify how the attitude and skills of workers improved in an organisation. To examine the importance of training and development in an organisation. Chapter two where related literatures review and certain definitions were made about productivity, job rotation development etc. chapter three talks about research methodology which were used in study and sample size of 40, the sampling techniques was stratified random sampling where the sample method used while simple percentage method was used to analysis the respondents from data collected. Chapter four talk about how table were presented and analysis and discussions of findings shows that training programme being about improvement in productivity in an organisation and chapter five summary, conclusion and recommendation were drawn which revealed that training has improve productivity in organisation, being development of employees