In this tutorial, you will learn What is an operator?, Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical/Bitwise Operators, Bit Shift Operators, Assignment Operators and Miscellaneous Operators
An operator refers to a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform a specific logical or mathematical manipulation. The operator performs the operation on the provided operands. Visual Basic.Net comes with various types of operators. We will be discussing these in this tutorial.
You can use arithmetic operators to perform various mathematical operations in VB.NET. They include:
^ This is used for raising an operand to the power of another operand
- + This is used for adding two operands.
- - This is used for subtracting the second operand from the first operand.
- * It is used for multiplying both operands.
/ It is used for dividing an operand against another. It returns a floating point result.
- \ It is used for dividing an operand against another. It returns an integer result.
- MOD known as the modulus operator. It returns the remainder after division.
Let us demonstrate how to use these operators using console application in VB.Net.
So create a console application and type or copy the following codes
For steps on how to create console application visit here
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter first number")
Console.WriteLine("Enter second number")
Console.WriteLine("Your inputs are num1=" & num1 & " num2=" & num2)
'for addition operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 + num2=" & num1+ num2)
'for subtraction operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 - num2=" & num1 - num2)
'for multiplication operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 * num2=" & num1 * num2)
'for division operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 / num2=" & num1 / num2)
'for \ operator. This returns only integer value
Console.WriteLine("num1 \ num2=" & num1\ num2)
'for power (^) operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 ^ num2=" & num1 ^ num2)
'for MoD operator
Console.WriteLine("num1 MOD num2=" & num1 MOD num2)
End Sub
End Module
Click the Start button to execute the code. You should get your results based on your inputs
Like every other programming languages; in Visual Basic.Net, these operators are used for making comparisons between variables. They include the following:
= for checking whether the two operands have equal values or not. If yes, the condition will become true.
- <> for checking if the value of the left operand is greater than that of the right operand. then condition will become true.
- > for checking whether the value of the left operand is less than that of the right operand. If yes, the condition will become true.
- < for checking whether the value of the left operand is greater than or equal to that of the right operand. If yes, the condition will become true.
- >= for checking whether the two operands have equal values or not. If yes, the condition will become true.
- <= for checking whether the value of the left operand is less than or equal to that of the right operand. If yes, the condition will become true.
Let us demonstrate how to use these using console application. In the example given, we are going to demonstrate how to accept age as input from users then output if eligible to vote or not.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim age As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Welcome! Please enter your age to check vote eligibility")
age = Int(Console.ReadLine())
If age = 18 Then
Console.WriteLine("You are eligible to vote")
ElseIf age > 18 Then
Console.WriteLine("You are eligible to vote")
ElseIf age >= 18 Then
Console.WriteLine("You are eligible to vote")
ElseIf age < 18 Then
Console.WriteLine("You are not eligible to vote")
ElseIf age <= 17 Then
Console.WriteLine("You are eligible to vote. ")
End If
End Sub
End Module
Click the Start button from the toolbar to run the code. You should get your result based on your input
Logical operators help the programmer to make logical decisions. Examples are
AND: Only true when both conditions are true.
- OR: True when any of the conditions is true.
- Not The logical/bitwise NOT. To reverse operand's logical state. If true, the condition becomes False and vice versa.
- XOR: Returns False if expressions are all True or False. Otherwise, it returns True.
- AndAlso It is also known as the logical AND operator. Only works with Boolean data by performing short-circuiting.
- OrElse It is also known as the logical OR operator. Only works with Boolean data by performing short-circuiting.
- IsFalse Determines whether expression evaluates to False.
- IsTrue Determines whether expression evaluates to True.
Let us demonstrate how to use these operators. Below is a typical example
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim var1 As Boolean = True
Dim var2 As Boolean = True
Dim var3 As Integer = 10
Dim var4 As Integer = 100
If (var1 And var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 And var2 - is true")
End If
If (var1 Or var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 Or var2 - is true")
End If
If (var1 Xor var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 Xor var2 - is true")
End If
If (var3 And var4) Then
Console.WriteLine("var3 And var4 - is true")
End If
If (var3 Or var4) Then
Console.WriteLine("var3 Or var4 - is true")
End If
'Only logical operators
If (var1 AndAlso var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 AndAlso var2 - is true")
End If
If (var1 OrElse var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 OrElse var2 - is true")
End If
var1 = False
var2 = True
If (var1 And var2) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 And var2 - is true")
Console.WriteLine("var1 And var2 - is not true")
End If
If (Not (var1 And var2)) Then
Console.WriteLine("var1 And var2 - is true")
End If
End Sub
End Module
Run the code by clicking the Start button from the toolbar and you will get your result.
In Visual basic, bit shift operators are used for performing shift operations on binary values.
And Known as the Bitwise AND Operator. It copies a bit to result if it is found in both operands.
- Or Known as the Binary OR Operator. It copies a bit if found in either operand.
- Xor The Binary XOR Operator. For copying a bit if set in one of the operands rather than both.
- Not It is known as the Binary Ones Complement Operator. It is a unary operator that 'flips' the bits.
Let us demonstrate how to use these operators in the below example:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter any value for num1")
num1 = Int(Console.ReadLine())
Console.WriteLine("Enter any value for num2")
num2 = Int(Console.ReadLine())
result = num1 Or num2
Console.WriteLine(" num1 Or num2= ", result)
result = num1 And num2
Console.WriteLine(" num1 And num2= ", result)
result = Not num2
Console.WriteLine("result= Not num2: ", result)
result = num1 Xor num2
Console.WriteLine("result=num1 Xor num2: ", result)
End Sub
End Module
Assignment operators are used to assign value to a Variable.
- = It assigns values from the left side operands to the right side operands.
- += Is known as the Add AND assignment operator. It will add the right operand to the left operand. Then the result will be assigned to the left operand.
- -= Is known as the Subtract AND operator. It will subtract the right operand from left operand and assign the result to the left operand.
- *= Is known as the Multiply AND operator. It will subtract the right operand from left operand and assign the result to the left operand.
Let us demonstrate how to use these operators in the below example:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer = 4
Dim result As Double = "0.5"
Console.WriteLine("Enter any numeric value")
result = num1
Console.WriteLine("result = num1", result)
result += num1+num2
Console.WriteLine(" result += num1 + num2: ", result)
result -= num1
Console.WriteLine(" result -= num1: ", result)
result *= num2
Console.WriteLine(" result *= num2", result)
End Sub
End Module
Now, run the code by hitting F5 from the keyboard