
Simple VB.Net Calculator

Nuelson Penuel Sunday, September 13, 2020 Visual Basic.Net


Hello, in this tutorial, am going to show you how to develop vb.net calculator in just few lines of code. Attachment is available for download.


Though this calculator can be developed using advance VB.Net coding, I have made it simple as I can for you and I to understand how the application will work without having to stress ourselves thinking of advance codes. The program is been divided into two procedures which are
and the
. The
procedure is used to key in value that will be display on the calculator's screen while the
procedure otherwise is used to perform calculation process and algorithm. Some variables like num1, num2, res and opt e.t.c where declared generally. Just as I said, I have made this program as simple as possible. Let's start right away 1. Loading the Visual Studio environment First of all, you should launch Visual Studio by either clicking on Start menu button or clicking on its icon from the desktop. Whichever way you use, you should see a similar screenshot below depending on the version of Visual Studio you have mine is 2012.
visual studio
2. Click on File menu, then click on New>Project and similar window as below will show
3. Enter the File Name in this case "Calculator" in the file name box 4. Specify folder to save to 5. Click on Ok And a blank form as below should show
**Change the backcolor of the form to crimson and place every other controls inside group control in VB.net Now add all controls on the table below and set properties as follows
Controls Properties
Label Name: Label2 Text: Blank Backcolor: crimson ForeColor: White
TextBox ReadOnly:True Text:0
Button1 Name: btn8 Text: 8 Backcolor:grey
Button2 Name: btn9 Text: 9 Backcolor:grey
Button1 Name: btn7 Text: 7 Backcolor:grey
Continue adding the buttons until you have a design as shown below
Double click any of the control and add the codes below to its equivalent control.
Public Class Form1
    Dim opt As String
    Dim num1, num2, iVal As Integer
    Dim res As Double
    Dim data As String
    Private Sub btn8_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn8.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub btn9_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn9.Click
    End Sub

    Sub AddDigits(dVal As Integer)
        If txtdisplay.Text = String.Empty Then
            txtdisplay.Text = dVal
            data = data & dVal

        ElseIf Int(txtdisplay.Text) = "0" Then
            txtdisplay.Text = dVal
            data = data & dVal
            txtdisplay.Text = txtdisplay.Text & dVal
            data = data & dVal
        End If
        Label2.Text = data
    End Sub
    Sub Process(opt1 As String)
        If opt1 <> "=" Then
            num1 = Convert.ToInt32(txtdisplay.Text)
            txtdisplay.Text = ""
            opt = opt1
            data = data & txtdisplay.Text & opt
            Label2.Text = data

            num2 = Convert.ToInt32(txtdisplay.Text)
            If opt = "+" Then
                res = num1 + num2
            ElseIf opt = "/" Then
                res = num1 / num2
            ElseIf opt = "*" Then
                res = num1 * num2
                res = num1 - num2
            End If
            data = data & "=" & res
            Label2.Text = data
            txtdisplay.Text = res
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub btn7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn7.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn4.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn5.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn6.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn2.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn3.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btn0_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn0.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnplus_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnplus.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub btndivide_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btndivide.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnmultiply_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnmultiply.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnequalto_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnequalto.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnsubstract_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsubstract.Click
    End Sub
End Class

Runtime Preview

Here is a screenshot of the tested calculator program.
Please kindly scan any attachment downloaded here and do not open .exe or .ocx files. Only run source code. Emmason is not liable for any issues that may arise due to virus or whatever.

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