
What is Inheritance in JavaScript, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

Nuelson Penuel Friday, July 28, 2023 Javascript

This post will discuss all about JavaScript inheritance, features of inheritance, advantages and disadvantages, as well as explore different examples for better understanding

Overview if Inheritance in JavaScript

Inheritance is a concept in JavaScript (as well as in many other object-oriented programming languages) that allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects. It allows for code reuse and helps in creating a hierarchy of objects. To create inheritance in JavaScript, we can define a constructor function (a function that will be used to create objects) and set its `prototype` property to an instance of another object. This way, the objects created by using the constructor function will have access to the properties and methods of the object that was set as the prototype.

Ways of Creating Inheritance in JavaScript

There are two main ways to achieve inheritance in JavaScript: 1. Inheritance With Prototype In JavaScript, inheritance is implemented using prototype chains. Every object in JavaScript has an internal property called `[[Prototype]]`, which links it to another object. When a property or method is accessed on an object, JavaScript first looks for it on the object itself. If it doesn't find it, it looks for it in the object's `[[Prototype]]` (which can be another object), and continues this process until the property or method is found or until it reaches the end of the prototype chain. Example using `Object.create()`:
   const parent = {
     name: "John",
     age: 30,
     greet() {
       console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);

   const child = Object.create(parent);
   child.name = "Jane";
   console.log(child.name); // Output: "Jane"
   console.log(child.age); // Output: 30 (inherited from parent object)
   child.greet(); // Output: "Hello, my name is Jane." (inherited from parent object)
2. Constructor Inheritance: To create inheritance in JavaScript, we can also define a constructor function (a function that will be used to create objects) and set its `prototype` property to an instance of another object. This way, the objects created by using the constructor function will have access to the properties and methods of the object that was set as the prototype. Additionally, the `Object.create()` method can be used to set the prototype of the child constructor function to the parent object's prototype, allowing inheritance of prototype methods as well. Example using `call()`:
   function Parent(name) {
     this.name = name;

   Parent.prototype.greet = function() {
     console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);

   function Child(name, age) {
     Parent.call(this, name); // Inherit parent properties
     this.age = age;

   Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); // Inherit parent prototype methods
   Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

   const child = new Child("Jane", 25);
   console.log(child.name); // Output: "Jane"
   console.log(child.age); // Output: 25
   child.greet(); // Output: "Hello, my name is Jane."
In both approaches, the child object inherits properties and methods from the parent object. This allows for code reuse, as the child objects can access and utilize the behaviors defined in the parent object or constructor function.

Advantages of JavaScript Inheritance

The following are some of the benefits of JavaScript inheritance; 1. Code reuse: Inheritance allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects, promoting code reuse. This helps to reduce redundancy and makes the code more efficient and maintainable. 2. Efficiency: By using inheritance, JavaScript avoids copying properties and methods repeatedly for each object. Instead, objects can access and use the inherited properties and methods, resulting in more efficient memory usage and faster execution. 3. Code organization: Inheritance helps to organize code by providing a hierarchical structure. Parent objects can contain common properties and methods that are shared by their child objects, making the code more organized and understandable. 4. Flexibility: Inheritance allows for the creation of more specialized objects that inherit the functionalities of their parent objects. This gives developers the flexibility to create objects with specific behaviors while reusing common functionalities from their parent objects. 5. Easy maintenance: Inheritance promotes modular code design, making it easier to maintain and update. Changes made to the shared properties or methods in the parent object automatically reflect in all the child objects that inherit from it, reducing the effort required for maintenance. 6. Extension: Inheritance supports extending the functionalities of objects by adding new properties and methods to the child objects. This allows for customization and specialization without modifying the existing code in the parent object, thus ensuring code integrity and minimizing the risk of introducing bugs.

Disadvantages of JavaScript Inheritance

1. Complexity: Inheritance can introduce complexity to code, especially when dealing with deep inheritance hierarchies. It can be challenging to understand and debug the flow of execution and the relationships between different objects. 2. Tight coupling: Inheritance promotes tight coupling between parent and child objects. Changes made to the parent object can have unintended consequences on its child objects. This can make the code more fragile and prone to bugs, as a small change in the parent object can potentially affect multiple child objects. 3. Limited flexibility: Inheritance is a static relationship, meaning that it is defined at the time of object creation and cannot be easily changed during runtime. This can limit the flexibility of the code, as it may not be possible to switch or modify the inheritance relationship dynamically. 4. Code duplication: Inheriting properties and methods from parent objects can lead to code duplication in the child objects. If multiple child objects need to override or extend a specific functionality, they may end up duplicating the code, resulting in maintenance issues and increased memory consumption. 5. Poor scalability: Inheritance can become less scalable as the codebase grows larger. Adding new functionalities or modifying existing ones can become more challenging, as changes in the parent object might require modifications in multiple child objects, leading to a higher risk of introducing bugs. 6. Inheritance chain limitations: JavaScript only supports single inheritance, meaning an object can inherit from only one parent object. This can be limiting if you need to inherit properties and methods from multiple sources. While JavaScript provides alternative solutions like mixins and composition for multiple inheritance-like behavior, they can introduce additional complexities and may not be as intuitive to work with.

Features of Inheritance in JavaScript

Inheritance in JavaScript has several features that make it a powerful tool for code reuse and modularity. Some key features of inheritance in JavaScript are: 1. Prototypal Inheritance: JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance, where objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects. Objects in JavaScript have a prototype, which is another object. If a property or method is not found on an object, JavaScript checks for it in its prototype, and if not found there, it continues to check in the prototype's prototype and so on, forming a prototype chain. 2. Object.create() method: JavaScript provides the Object.create() method, which allows you to create a new object with a specified prototype. This method provides a simple and flexible way to implement inheritance in JavaScript. 3. Constructor Functions: JavaScript allows you to define constructor functions, which can be used to create objects with a defined structure and behavior. Constructor functions can be used to create an instance of an object and set its initial properties and behavior. 4. instanceof operator: The instanceof operator in JavaScript allows you to check if an object is an instance of a particular class or constructor function. It helps identify the inheritance relationship between objects and their prototypes. 5. Polymorphism: JavaScript supports polymorphism through inheritance. Polymorphism allows objects of different types to be treated as interchangeable, as long as they share a common interface or base class. This can lead to cleaner and more maintainable code by enabling code reuse and abstraction. 6. Method Overriding: Inheritance in JavaScript allows you to override methods defined in the parent object's prototype. This means you can provide a different implementation of a method in the child object, which will be executed instead of the parent's implementation when called. 7. Mixins and Composition: JavaScript offers alternatives to single inheritance for code reuse, such as mixins and composition. Mixins allow you to "mix in" behaviors from multiple objects into a single object, while composition allows you to create objects that are composed of other objects. These techniques provide more flexibility compared to traditional inheritance.


In conclusion, inheritance in JavaScript allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects. It is achieved through prototype chains, where an object's `[[Prototype]]` property is linked to another object, creating a hierarchy. Thus, inheritance is a powerful feature in JavaScript that contributes to creating flexible and maintainable code by allowing for the sharing and extension of behaviors and properties among objects.

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