
What is JavaScript: Features of JavaScript

Nuelson Penuel Monday, May 15, 2023 Javascript


In this post, am going to explain what is JavaScript, when it was developed and features of JavaScript.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that can be used to create client-side dynamic web pages. It works on all platform and also light in weight. There is no compiler for JavaScript as it is not a compile language. Rather, the translator is embedded in web browsers apps. The translator helps to translate the script written by web developers into what the browser can understand and displayed. JavaScript was introduced in the year 1995 for the purpose of adding programs to webpages in Netscape Navigator browser. However, due to its outstanding performance, it was adopted by other web browsers developers. JavaScript help web developers to build web sites or applications that can interact with directly without reloading the web page every time.

What are the Features of JavaScript?

Features of JavaScript are as follows:
  1. It is case sensitive language
  2. It is a lightweight scripting language
  3. It is an interpreted language
  4. It is a cross-plat form language and supported by all popular web browsers
  5. It is a structured programming language cos it follows the syntax and structure of C programming language
  6. It gives the user good control over the web browser
  7. It uses prototypes rather than using classes for inheritance
  8. It is supported by almost all the popular operating systems

History of JavaScript

The idea of JavaScript came into existence in the year 1994 when Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape, have the feelings of making web more dynamic than they were. He then have the mind of developing a language that can help developers to design webpages easily and more interactive. In 1995, Brendan Eich was employed in order to implement and embed Scheme programming language to web browsers. Unfortunately, before Brendan could start, Netscape merged with Sun Microsystems for adding Java into its Navigator in order to have more advantage over their strong competitor, Microsoft in terms of web technologies and platforms. Furthermore, for a befitting name to be used, Netscape chose to give a similar name to Java thus “JavaScript”. Finally, in May 1995, Marc Andreessen coined the first code of Javascript named 'Mocha'. Later, the marketing team replaced the name with 'LiveScript'. But, due to trademark reasons and certain other reasons, in December 1995, the language was finally renamed to 'JavaScript'. From then, JavaScript came into existence.

Application of JavaScript

The following are some of the applications of JavaScript:
  1. Form Validation i.e client-side validation
  2. Drop-down menus e.g dynamic menus,
  3. Applicable in date and time,
  4. Applicable in display of pop-up windows and dialog boxes e.g. confirm dialog box

JavaScript Example

<title>Java Script Example</title>
Function Example(){
alert("Welcome to JavaScript");}
<input type=”button” onclick=”Example()”>Click Me</button>

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